Chapter 98

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Elia has clearly tired herself after an hour and a half of sobbing, crying and wailing because she passed out from exhaustion in her Mama's arm.

Lizzie, not wanting to let Elia be alone, carried her daughter and brought her to the living room, Elia's in her lap, heads laying on her chest, keeping a hold of her daughter tightly, sleeping peacefully.

She hope her daughter sleeping peacefully without a nightmare because it'll makes it even worse when Elia has her nightmares about her 'race day'

Everyone just followed the Olsen- Stan family to the living room. Sebastian couldn't leave his fiancé and daughter's side too. He keeps an eye on Elia's sleeping figure and notices there's a business card in Elia's hand. So he took it and his face immediately turn into anger, nostrils flared in anger

"What's that?" Evans asks

And Sebastian immediately stands up from the couch and walks away

"I'll fucking beat the shit out of him. I'll fucking kill that motherfuckers" Seb said in anger. They never see Sebastian Stan in anger, in the character of his movies? Always, but this is Sebastian Stan, the father of Eliana. Who were just hurt because of her birth parents.

Chris and Mackie quickly grab his hands before he could get away and drive to wherever he was going to, and kill that person.

They know now that the card must've contained information of Elia's birth parents.

"Fucking let me go before I punch you too" Seb said in anger. He was in so much anger

"Sebastian, you don't wanna do this, man. Elia needs you, Lizzie needs you" Chris said, trying to coax him out of this rage.

"You don't understand, Chris! He hurt her! They hurt my daughter! My little princess, My baby girl!" Seb asks, voice starts to crack.

"We know, we understand that Seb. But you go to them and kill them doesn't make it any better for Elia. What if you kill them and then you go to jail? Doesn't it make Elia's heart break more and more?" Mackie asks

"Sebby, please, we need you" Lizzie's voice manages to soften Sebastian from his rage and he calms down a little.

Chris and Mackie then slowly let his arm go and Seb didn't move or walk away to go wherever he was going to.

"They hurt our baby girl, Liz" Seb turned to look at his fiancé and Lizzie could see the tears brimming in Sebastian's red eyes.

"I know. I know they hurt our baby girl, and I know it's hurting us too" Lizzie agrees. She couldn't get up from the couch because she was holding Elia and didn't want to stir awake their daughter after an exhausting mental breakdown just now.

"She was- She's really really hurt- She was asking us, No parents wanted to hear- she asked us to let her go Liz- No parents wanted to hear that their kids wanted to give up on life" Seb said, stuttering and his voice cracking as he started to cry.

That was the most heartbreaking for the parents and it took a toll on them both. They didn't expect it. They've seen Elia's crying, breaking down, but back then it was because of their fault, their betrayal, hiding things from her but this time, it's Elia who seeks comfort to break down and it's harshly, brokenly, breaking their hearts.

Sebastian was the strongest out of the three of them, he always does his best to not cry in front of his 2 best girls, he always does his best to be seen as a head of the family because he's the man of the family. But when he heard his daughter saying those things, he lost out on being the strongest.

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