Chapter 78

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Maggie, Isa and Elia are now at the backyard pool, just sitting on the edge of it, dipping their legs in the pool. Just sitting there, keeping their company with each other in silence.

"How are you feeling truly?" Isaac broke the silence. Maggie and Elia turn to look at him.

"Mixed feelings" Elia answered

"Acceptable" Maggie exclaims. The three of them just nodded their heads agreeing.

"I've told Mama everything about how I felt yesterday. I begged her to not do the same thing again because I don't think I can go through things like this ever again"

"So I hope with that I don't have to beg to you guys too to not do the same thing again"

Then it was Isa's turn to look at Elia but Elia just stares in front of her not making any eye contact at all.

"You don't have to explain everything. I understand why you did what you did. All of you. But it just confuses me and irritates me with your decision. I mean, you love me but you're too blinded to realize about the outcome, you're too blinded by love and it makes you guys made stupid decision. I appreciate it but it annoys me to no end and confuses me. I'm even mad at myself for letting my guard down on trusting you guys but again, I understand it. So that is why it irritates and confuses me" Elia explains

Maggie and Isaac just take a deep breath hearing that.

"Love can do that to you," Maggie said quietly.

"But all is well now. I've met with The Drew's. I've had my clear answer to it. I guess I just need to let it out on you guys before I go confront The Drew's. I'm not mad. I'm just hurt by your actions." Elia informs

"As much as I'm suffering, it's affecting my surroundings too. I realized it from the beginning but there's nothing I can do about it until I make myself better and make amends with you guys."

"You really should be a lawyer, Elia. All of your points are valid points. Can't even argue with it" Maggie mumbles quietly.

Elia and Isa just chuckled in response because they heard it loud and clear.

"Don't turn your back now and don't make it obvious but the adults are clearly watching over us" Maggie said with amusement.

"Oh, I know. They are clearly talking about us too" Elia joins in.

"They even have a group chat together called 'The Parents Squad'" Isa includes and Maggie and Elia just look at him in shock at the new information given. They burst out laughing at it.

"We have to do our best to stop them worrying so much about us. They can't even get their work done and I'm so guilty about it" Elia said quietly.

"Yeah. But to the new chapter hey?" Isa said, nudging her shoulder with his.

"We missed you, Lia"

"I'm here now," Elia replied as she smiled softly.

"Let's swim!" Maggie said excitedly

Then the three teens get inside to go to their parents and to change into their swimwear. Once the teens got inside, the chatter from the adults died down making the three of them snort. They are clearly talking about them.

"Let's swim, Papa" Elia said, walking to her dad and sitting on his lap, showing her puppy eyes. She could just go by herself but since her hands are still healing, she can't swim much. So she needs her Papa.

"You don't need to show him those puppy eyes. He's going to say yes nonetheless, Lia" Isa chuckles while playfully rolling his eyes.

"Of course he's going to say yes. It's me and even you, yourself will say yes if I didn't let out my puppy eyes" Elia sass and stuck out her tongue to him.

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