Chapter 6

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A/n: there'll be TW in this chapter. Just a minor one I won't go into details. 

It's been 5 days since Eliana last saw Lizzie and the others but she kept on texting Lizzie informing her day to Lizzie because she knows Lizzie will freak out if she disappears suddenly. Elia also already told Isaac what happened on Sunday and Isaac was happy for Elia because she's found more friend. And also, Elia has chosen Ferrari to be her sponsors. They were the first one to help her when she's nothing.
It's Friday now and her foster parent came home last Wednesday but still it didn't affect Elia life so much because they rarely see each other often.

Elia was busy studying because she was in her exam week. That's why she can't go out with Lizzie because she's busy studying herself all day.

It was now 10 pm when Elia heard her door opens and revealed Lily coming inside. Elia was in her table studying.

"hey, you're studying?" Lily asks sitting at edge of the bed facing Elia. Damn she's soft. It never happens before. Elia thought

"yeah" Elia replied with the same tone. Decided to be nice since Lily is being nice to her too

"how's your paper this week?" Lily asks and Elia was freaking out inside because this was the first time, they had real conversation with each other.

"good. I hope so" Elia said
"how's work?" Elia return the nice gesture
"good too. It's been kinda hectic though but not that we couldn't handle it" Lily tell her. Elia just smiles at her nodding her head

"So, Eliana" Lily started. There it is. There. It has different meanings on this nice gesture of her.

"This Sunday, my family will be here" Lily said and Elia just nodded her head for her to go on because she knows there's more

"Can you pack your things, stay at your friends house? I don't want you to be inconvenience to my family though. Maybe stay at your friend's house for a week or so? Because my parent will spend their time here" Lily added. Elia hearts immediately wrenching when she heard 'inconvenience'

And then just like that Lily get out of her room leaving Elia dumbfounded at that. Elia decided to not to cry over this small thing. Yeah, small for her but actually big mistake to tell people that they are inconvenience or burden to them.
She didn't have friend. Isaac is not in LA. She didn't want to bother Lizzie and the others. They've done so much for her and with what Lily just said about her being inconvenience, she's back to doubting herself. Damn it!

She can't continue study. Her mind was messed up. She gets up from her chair and then goes to her bathroom. Looking at the mirror, she was crying without her realizing it. She then did something really terrible. She took the razor blade and cut herself. But she didn't feel any pain, she feels numb. At least it numbs her feelings for a while. This is her first time doing this. Guess things started to get worse because she got the urge to cut herself. She's smart. Too smart for her age. She could differentiate the good and bad thing but when this situation happens, she can't think straight. It hurting her too much.

She cleans up her mess, the blood, her hands.
She steps out of the bathroom, changing to her pajamas. And she decided to go to the kitchen but she heard hushed voices. She sure it was Lily and John so, she decided to go back to her room but stopped when she heard they are talking about her.

"you talk to her already?" John asks

"yeah. she's okay with it" Lily answered

"she has to be. We took her home, give her education. She has to hear what we told her" John said sipping his wine

"I can't believe you agree to foster her just to make sure she'll be lawyer and then work for us. Even we have money, that kid is a burden" Lily said shaking her head.

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