Chapter 50

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It has already been 2 days since Elia awoke from her coma. And again, the whole world has received this great news when Lizzie and Seb posted it on Instagram yesterday.

Lizzie has told everyone to not tell Eliana about the Drew's or Jamie yet. She wants Elia to get better first and everyone respects her decision for her daughter and they thought it was for the best also.

Isaac has shown Elia more videos of them together. He was trying really hard to get his best friend back and Elia could see it. Elia knows this must be her best friend because the amount of video they have together is ridiculous.

Everyone has come and gone throughout these 3 days. They helped Elia in remembering small things which she appreciates. It still pisses her off a bit because she didn't remember anything at all.

Elia's burnt hand has healed completely, she is no longer on bandages, same with her head. She's only on the cast of her legs.

It's 3 am right now at the hospital. Lizzie and Seb were sound asleep on the extra bed that the nurse brought for them next to Elia.

Elia on the other hand didn't sound asleep. She's having a nightmare.

"CLARKE? DO YOU COPY ME? CLARKE?" Joshua asks frantically

They all watch his car crash into the barrier in horror. Lucky for them there's a safety car following behind them since the red flag was announced with the ambulance.

They rush to him, getting him out of the car slowly.

"Jamie? Jamie?! Please, please Jamie" Elia said begging crying

All they could hear was him grunting in pain, moaning when they pulled them out.

"Please, just kill the engines, can't you do that? I'm scared. I- I can't breathe. Please. I-I need my mom please" Elia said crying and panting. Her panic attack started to take over her body like her paps accident

"Hey! Eliana! Listen to my voice baby. baby listen to me. You're okay. you're gonna be okay. I promise you, you'll be fine" Lizzie said comforting her daughter who were having panic attack

"My wheel. I-I can't control it anymore mommy. I'm so sorry" Elia sobbed. Lizzie just crying silently doesn't want Elia to hear her crying.

Elia screams very loudly, making her parents jump out of the bed frantically.

"Eli? Baby? Baby wake up, I'm here Eli" Lizzie said trying to get Elia to wake up as she crying, mumbling 'No, no, no'

"Hey sweetheart, wake up please. It's me baby, it's mama" Lizzie tried once again pleading and Elia wake up with gasps in shocked

Elia flung herself into her mother's embrace as she had a clear vision of who was in front of her and continued sobbing her hearts out.

Lizzie just shushing her, comforting her daughter, rubbing her back in circles

"It's okay baby, I'm here. You're okay" Lizzie comforts her daughter who was sobbing her heart out in her embrace.

Lizzie could feel Elia's whole body shaking in fear when she hugged her daughter tightly. What is her dream about that makes she scared like this?

"Doll, what is your dream about?" Sebastian asks softly sitting at the edge of the bed stroking his daughter's hair gently.

Elia tightens the hugs around her moms and hides her face into her mother's chest, crying vigorously.

"It's okay, it's okay. You tell us when you're ready, okay baby? It's fine. We're here" Lizzie said comfortingly, noticing the tighten on the hugs and she shakes her head at Sebastian.

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