Chapter 65

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After opening what Jamie's got Elia for her birthday gifts, she notices there's a note. But she hasn't reached that level yet. She can't. So they say that it's okay and it's totally fine. She could read it when she feels it's okay for her and when she's ready. All in her pace and everyone will be there to support her.

So, moving on to the next presents. This one is kind of heavy. She looks at the little notes on the wrappers to see who it's from. It's from her parents again.

"Seriously? Another?" Elia asks shocked

"What? It's your birthday" Seb said defended himself

"You guys literally bought me another closet" Elia argues

"You're a growing teenagers" Lizzie responded

"And it's our first time celebrating our daughter's birthday" Lizzie added innocently

"Oh no. Both of your parents will keep on bought so many presents for your birthday every single year" Mackie chimed in

"She's my daughter" Lizzie and Seb said in unison while playfully rolling their eyes.

Elia just chuckles with everyone and excitedly tore the wrappers to see what's inside of it. And when she sees it, it's a full set of brand new microphone! Now that makes sense when Jamie, Isa and Maggie gave her a microphone cover.

Elia's face is hurt from smiling too much tonight.

"This is for when you're going to have your tour concert or performing either in talkshow or award show because I don't doubt my daughter will be phenomenal singers" Lizzie said

Elia just goes hugging and kissing her parents for the hundredth time tonight.

"There's another one," Seb said, pointing at the last box with the vlog camera he's recording.

Eli goes to the box at the edge of the couch and opens the lid of the box. This time her mouth wide open, shocked, surprised, happy, overwhelmed, all in one.

She looked back and forth at her parents. Everyone in the living room knows what the last present was. They planned it way before Elia's race day.

"Is this real?" Elia asks breath out

Lizzie just replies with a grin and nods her head excitedly. Elia then screams happily and runs to her mother once again and this time she kisses her mother repeatedly saying 'thank you' and 'I love you' all over again. She did the same with her daddy.

"Guess my present is not the first one anymore then" Chris said sarcastically and everyone just laughed at him.

"No, the top first best birthday present I've ever got is the plushies Jamie's got for me" Elia said, smiling until her dimples showed.

"Well, we can't beat that now can we?" Lizzie said, kissing her daughter's cheek

"Nope" Elia replied with a smile

She's okay. She's happy with her family now.

"So, where's the dog?" Elia asks

"We've got her even before your race day. She's been staying with your Grammie ever since and when we're in Monaco, she's at the dogs hotel" Lizzie stated

Elia's mouth wide open in shock hearing the news. They've got her a dog way before she tells them that she wants it. God, she's grateful for this life.

"We're gonna go pick her up tomorrow at Grammie's" Seb said and Elia nodded her head excitedly.

"And now, we gotta clean all of those wrappers you tore" Grammie said, making all of them groan when Grammie whoops their asses to get up and clean those floors except for Elia.

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