Chapter 8

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Elia wakes up for the second time but this time because of the blinding lights. And once again she took 5 whole minutes to process where the hell is she and remembered once again she snuck into Lizzie's room last night and Lizzie was nowhere to be found right now. So, she must've been awake right now. Elia was kinda surprised when she sought comfort in Lizzie last night. Guess it was because she took Lizzie words that she was not a burden to her in her mind.

Elia turns around to look at the clock on the bedside table to be shown 10 am. Huh, she never slept late till now. She is always awakened at 8 am. But nevertheless, she felt less tense than yesterday and mostly she felt safe here. Safe with Lizzie. Maybe that's why she came to Lizzie last night.

Elia gets up from the bed and makes her way to the kitchen and hears hushed voices. When she walks into the kitchen everyone goes silent. Weird. Are they planning on sending me back? Elia thought to herself. Panicking

"Morning Squirt" Evans greeted her with big smiles.

"Morning guys. I'm sorry I woke up late today. Why don't you wake me up?" Elia said

"10 am is too late for teenagers like you?" Evans asks

"8 am is late for me" Elia replied quietly and everyone goes silent once again

"And what time do you usually go to sleep if you have to wake up at 8 am?" Scarlett asks

"Um what if I told you that I go to sleep at 11 pm and then wake up at 2 am, study till 5 am and then wake up again at 8 am. Will you be mad?" Elia asks

"Uh, very mad," Lizzie answered, kinda pissed.

"Remember I told you that I have to get straight A+?" Elia asks whispering not looking at the adults because she sure as hell their faces are concerned at her right now.

"Eliana, your social worker is coming today" Lizzie stated and Elia hearts immediately dropped hearing that. Are they gonna send her to another foster home? They don't want her anymore. She knows she's a burden. She knows it.

Elia started to tear up. She loves Lizzie and she thought Lizzie would be different from the others. But she knows, Lizzie won't have time for her because Lizzie has work, she's a famous actor. She won't have time for some problematic teenagers

"I'm sorry for bothering you. thank you for everything you've done for me" Elia said voice wavering and gets up from the chair she sat to walk out of the room

"Elia? What do you mean?" Lizzie asks confusedly grabbing Elia hands

"the social worker coming to take me away, right? I know the drill Lizzie" Elia answered with tears rolled down her cheeks. Lizzie doesn't know whether to laugh because Elia thought Lizzie doesn't want her in her life or be sad because Elia was in pain like that.

"Eli, they won't take you away from me. I won't let that happen. I won't let anyone take you from me ever" Lizzie said, squeezing Elia's hands. 'Eli' new nickname and Elia loves it. but she's more confused on about the social worker coming

"But the social worker is coming?" Elia asks

"Elia, since you came into my life, I am not who I am right now. I don't usually have this strong maternal instinct with anyone other than you. you make me feel like I have to protect you, I have to make you happy, I can't watch you being upset like this. When I see you laugh, smile, that's all I want you to feel in this world. And I want you in my life forever because I know I can make you happy and you deserve the love. I'll gladly give it to you Eliana. So, why the social worker coming today is because I don't want anyone to take you from me ever. Eliana Edward, I'm adopting you" Lizzie stated. Elia, just standing there shocked, couldn't control her tears when Lizzie kept talking. Scarlett and Chris who were in the kitchen hearing the whole encounter has tears on their eyes

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