55 ~ Stupid Boy

30 3 59

(that title is a garbage reference lol. does anyone even still listen to that band anymore?)

POV: Sapnap


Black leather shoes smear the blood down the stage, a streak of crimson pooling into a print at his feet. Quackity snarls, lip lifting as he looks at the sun. The blade drops to his side, eyes opened incredulously. 

The sky touched on beige, and the sun felt cold. His eyes look dark, the sunken pit in his iris nearly the same colour as the blood that smeared his nose and chest. Completely void of life and anything relating to it. Quackity, in a way, was dead.

My heart beats loudly in my ears, thumping angrily in my head. It was to a height that I hadn't noticed the woman pushing past me and bee-lining to the man. I lifted my hand to stop her but it was too late to do anything.

Puffy sucker punches Quackity. Hard. It knocks him out of his trance, but he hardly fights back. If anything, he falls limp. His knees buckle to the ground, and he looks up to the woman as if waiting for another hit to come. 

I step forward now, ready to pull the woman off the man. I stop at the sound of her voice.

     "Why-- What the fuck. I-- I trusted you!" She sputters out sobs, the strong woman I once knew, is now reduced to nothing but a blubbering mess. Snot bubbles at her nose and tears flow down her face. She heaves another punch, but this one is weaker. Quackity lets it connect, face lolling to the side. Blood splatters up his face, a redder, fresher blood. His blood. His lip was busted. "And you-- you-- you." 

She cries, lips trembling and sobs creeping their way from her gritted teeth. The ram sputters something nonsensical, body heaving in anger. Quackity lowers his chin, his eyes falling to a deep glare. He turns his gaze northward, away from the woman and to the sky. Her body crumples to her knees, inches away from his face. Her hands quivered in hatred, gripping his shirt and pulling him toward her instinctively. "M--My-M--!" Her lips tremble, sucking in desperate breaths as she hyperventilates. "My baby." 

I could hardly tell if he was listening at this point. His eyes seemed almost plastered to the sky as if it were beyond him to react. Her face presses into his shirt, sobs wrecking her body, pulling Quackity into a tight embrace. Not to comfort him, but to find any comfort for herself. He lets her, or maybe he doesn't know what's happening. 

His eyes hadn't left the spot he was staring at. 

An abandoned building.

I shiver. He sees something we do not. 

My eyes drift back to the pair, to see if Quackity even tried to react.


His eyes simmer to distaste, to anger.

His hold on the switchblade tightens. 

Blood shimmers and glistens on the blade.

His eyes finally leave the spot, and to the woman still gripping him. 

Quackity hated being touched. Even at that moment, I knew something was wrong. He would react by now.

As if a knight in shining armour, Niki comes rushing onto stage. 

I stumble as she shoves me to the side as if I were dead weight. 

She rushes to her girlfriend, holding her and coaxing her off Quackity. His hold on his weapon loosens if only a bit, but the woman's sobs get louder. 

She lay in the heap that was once her nephew, grabbing at the body and holding it. Her hold was desperate, gripping him with such force it made me want to vomit. 

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