Chapter 2

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I was on the airport, everything looked so distant to me, people running everywhere, childs screaming, playing and crying, women alone, business men walking, lovely couples saying goodbye or hello, old people waitting for their plane, and then me.

I was sitting next to my sister, my leg nervously shaking, she smiled down at me

-Direct flight to London number 3456 boarding now, direct flight to London number 3456 boarding now- a voice sound

-It´s your flight- Annie whispered, we stood up and walked towards the board door, we were some meters away when we stopped- I'm going to miss you so much

-I´m going to miss you too- I said hugging her

-promise you will write me soon? and we have to skype at least once at week!- she said tears about to come out of her eyes

-I pomise, dont cry, I'll see you soon - I smiled at her she hugged me tightly for some seconds before letting me go.

I walked to the door and wave her goodbye, she smiled at me and waved back, after hanging out my plane ticket for the stewardess I went into the plane. I was sitting next to the window and tought I wasn't going to have company but in the last minute a hot guys seats next to me giving me a small smile. There was no way I could sleep now...

The plane took off and I put on my headphones startting to hear some of my favourites songs "Give my love" by Ed Sheerann was the first one and I smile to myself looking out of the window, how the things were getting little, and the clouds around us.

After some hours of just hearing music and taking small sips of my water bottle I felt my eyelids began to feel heavy and closing themselves, until I felt asleep.

-hey! hey! wake up we arrived! - a male voice said in my ear, I slowly opened my eyes and found a pair of brown eyes looking at me, my head resting in his shoulder 

-shit! I'm really sorry! 

-dont worry, I felt asleep too, I'm Jack  


-well Emily it was nice to be your partner in this flight- he smiled at me and stood up walking away 

I took my hand bag and went out of the plane. 

When I went out of the plane with my suitcases on my hand I saw a tall guy with a cardboard in his hands were it said 

"Emily Brooke" 

I walked towards him 

-Emily? - he asked 


-come with me, Anne asked me to pick you up -I nodded and follewd him, we went to a black car that was parked near to the main door he took my suitcases from me and put them in the back of the car, he openned the door for me and I entered to the car. 

He was driving in silence I was looking at all that was around me, impressed by the big city we were crossing. I knew Anne's house was in the limits of the city and I liked that, it meant not noises on the night and a good view from all the windows which both were amazing. 

-So did you had a good flight Miss? 

-yes thank you, and you can call me Em  

-right Em, my name is Rob, I am the driver of Miss Anne and if you need anything I can always help you- he smiled at me 

-thank you - I said awkwardly, i was never good starting a conversation and less with strangers, and Rob was a total stranger for me tought I knew I had to be less shy and make myself know, I was in a different city, in another country and I had to make the most of it

- Anne asked me to tell you that she is really sorry for not picking you up from the airport but the Sir is coming with his friends to the house today and she wasn´t preaperd 

-the Sir? his husband? - I asked, I knew Anne was married tough I didnt knew his name  

-No, no he is on a buisness trip right now, I mean his son  

-oh- was all what I said before his phone started to rang  

-hello Miss Anne, Miss emily is with me and you are on speaker 

-oh hello Emily! did you had a good flight? 

-yes thank you 

-I´m really sorry I didnt picked you up but my son is here with his best friends because they want to meet you and he didn´t told me he was coming so I had to make extra food in the last minute.

-oh dont worry is alright- we heard some voices in the background before she shouted 

-Harry let Gemma alone!- that was the moment everything made click on my head  

-Emily?-Rob asked- Miss are you alright? you look pale 

-Rob? Whats going on? - Anne asked on the phone once the shouting in the back wasn´t there

-I dont know she doesnt answer and she is really pale  

-I..I...- I started  

-Emily? hun whats wrong you are worring me!- Anne voice sound throw the speaker 

-my favourite group is One Direction- I whispered but it was enough for Rob and Anne to hear me 

-oh god!- Anne said knowing what I was thinking-Rob how long till you arrive? 

-we are at the avenue 

-ok, I'll see you here 

and with that the phone call ended, Rob looked worried at me I was still in shock and didn´t knew what to do, I was hoping that was just another of my crazy dreams. 

It wasnt.


hi guys, well i leave you a short chapter here hope you liked it dont forget to comment and vote, thanks for reading!!!

ps= please keep reading even if you dont think it is a good story, i want to know what you think and if you absolutly hated it i want to know it!!! please it helps me to be a better author

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