chapter 5 part 2

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Harry returned with an aspirine, a glass of water and 4 clowns that made me fee a lot better.

For the moment Anne returned I was sitting in my bed, my legs stretched out in front of me, and I was laughing so hard I didn´t heard her coming in.

- and then we ran after him and tack...- Louis stopped telling his story when Anne entered to the room looking happy and confused- oh! hi Anne!

-hi guys, how you feel Em?

- a lot better thanks

-I'm glad, someone apart from Niall is hungry?- I chuckled and a chorous of me was shouted- I'll make dinner and you can watch a movie while you eat if you want

-thanks Mum- Harry answered for all of us

- great- she smiled at us

-I'll choose the movie!- Louis shouted after running to the tv room that was in the lower floor, Anne laughed and went downstairs

-can you walk?- Niall asked

-or do you need help?- Liam completed

-I think I can- I said moving my legs to the side, but when my feet touched the floor it was left out of my mouth a big cry of pain

- guess that´s a no, you can´t - Harry said frowing I closed my eyes not wanting to try again- let me help you - he said and inmediatly his arm was in my back 

-what?- I said looking at him, and for a moment I went lost in his emerald eyes

-put your hands around my neck- I wasn´t able to make an asnwer or complain so I just obeyed him , and then don´t ask me how but I was in his arms, he carried me downstairs like if I didn´t weight anything.. and I swear I´m not exactly skinny,carefully he left me on the couch and he sat at my right, at my left was Liam, in the other side of Harry, Louis, and Zayn and Niall were in the other couch.

-which movie are we watching?- Liam asked, I was still feeling dizzy because of Harry´s touch, with goose bumps where Harry's hands made contact with me.Not of love, or excitement, of pure hate that he tought I wasn´t capable of searching a way to move by myself without his help. 

-Avengers- Niall answered grinning 

-wouhuuu!!- Louis shouted excited

-everything right guys?- anne asked

-yes- zayn answered 

-I´ll leave you some sandwiches here- she said leaving.. I would say a plate full but it was more like a mountain of sandwiches- please let something for Em- she almost begged 

-Emily..-niall said giving me a plate with two sandwiches 

-thanks- I smiled at him 

-you are welcome- he smiled back

-what do you want for drinking?- anne asked to us, I admired how she was so nice, if I was her I would had made each guy to go and make their own food, they had hands right?

-a cup of tea for me please?-Louis was the first one answering

-same for me

-and for me- Niall and Liam said

-I want some chocolate milk mum- Harry said smiling as a little kid, I couldn´t stop myself from watching as his dimples were perfectly visible for the first time, he looked at me and I blushed in a carmine red tone looking away, I didn´t wanted him to think I was checking him out, I was just surprised he actually smiled, I was starting to think he did so just for the cameras

-I just want water please anne- zayn said and standing up he completed- I´ll help you to bring everything

-and for you dear?- she said looking at me

- I would like milk also please- I said shyly, the red tone never leaving my cheeks, I was a little bit childlike some times, judge me if you want but i just love my milk

-sure- she smiled at me and with Zayn following her she left the room, after a minute they both returned and gave us each our drink

-I´ll leave you with the film, goodnight guys, night Emily

-good night Anne- we answered in unison

The movie started, and well what can I say .. I´m not that big fan of heroes but I didn´t cared, because even when that was a good movie and I kind of liked it I was too intertested in staring at the beautiful faces infront of me.

I had look, and remark every single detail of the five faces of the hot guys infront of me at least 10 times, I still couldnt beleive it, that day had been full of so many emotions, since I left my sister at the airport, the shock of knowing I was going to saty with Anne, the mother of one of my idols, meeting her annd Gemma, and for my surprise the 5 most amazing guys of the world, at least for me, well now four but the moment i entered this house they were five, my reason to keep dreaming, then one of them hate me and now with an twisted ankle and a cut on my arm I was sitting next to him, like if he never hated me.

What a day, but the best, it hadn´t ended.

The film finished when it was 1:15 am .. and needless to say some of them were already sleeping.

-I´m going to your room Haz- Zayn said and sleeply went to bed, Niall was sleeping at the couch as same as Liam at my side and Louis at the other end, but Harry was wide awake.

-it´s late, we should go to sleep- he said and I nodded, I was going to walk by myself but he stopped me- let me help you - and without letting me complain I was once again in his arms, this time going to my room. I hated him for that, for acting like we were best friends when less than 24 hours ago he had been shouting to me and asking for my disappearance.

He dropped me at my bed with care, he wrapped me in the blankets and sat next to me

-dont you think I didn´t noticed you checking us out - he said making me blush hard


-oh dont worry it´s ok- he said giving me a cheeky smile - good night Emily

-night Harry- he dropped a sweet kiss to my forehead and leave my room, closing the door after him.

That was the day my life changed, I slept like a baby, the gentle touch of his lips still present.


hi again guys!! hahah sorry is just that i noticed the other half of the chapter was too short and i deceided to write a little bit more, after all  this seems to be my only fanfic with succes. Once again thanks for voting and reading, dont forget to comment i really apreciate a lot all your opinnions

lots of love!!


ps= if this is confusing please let me know because i noticed the ideas arent as clear as in my head and im scared that you might not know how they feel , just in case:

harry doesnt hates her, he was just scared of having a fan on his house

emily does hates him, for treating her as a inferior person

(edited 25/04/14)

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