chapter 35

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-wakey wakey- i giggled

-hmm?- harry grunted at my side

-wake up sleeping beauty- i said in a child voice trying no to laugh

-are you drunk?- he asked openning his eyes on a swift move, i couldnt stop anymore and i burst out laughing like crazy- Em are you alright?- i wiped the tears of my eyes

-yeah i am alright- i said giggling- im just in a good mood

-yeah i can see that- he smiled

-are you hungry? i am going out to grab some coffee on the starbuck at the corner, want something?

-i'll go with you

-dont get mad or anything but if someone recognizes you, we'll be out the whole day signing pictures

-yeah.. you are right, well then could you bring me a caramel and a muffin?- he smiled and i couldnt stop my mind to remember the first picture i ever saw of him, he was on x factor and had a white shirt smiling as if saying "it wasnt me" -hey! earth calling Emily! - he waved a hand in front of my face

-uuhmm sorry i had a flash back- i said

-because a coffe?

-no.. hmm.. actually because the way you smiled- he looked confused


-forget about it, i'll leave now

I took my red hoodie and walked out of the hotel, i liked that place, everything seems so peacefull, the streets were clean and look at the rivers around us made me feel happy and i couldnt stop smiling to myself. some ppeople looked at me weird but hey why would i care? i felt somehow fresh.

I went in and out of starbuck before i could think twice what i was doing, i was so into my own things that if the cashier was man or woman is a mistery.

-im back!- i said openning the door of the room

-hey- harry smiled from his computer

-what are you doing?- i asked

-tumblr- he answered i almost chocked

-you are a tumblr guy?- he chuckled

-yeah kind of, i love seeing post of myself

-you cheeky boy- i giggled and gave him his coffee and muffin

-thaaaank you- he said and i smiled at him i took mine and drink my coffee

-so how many post about yourself you have reblogged today?- i said

-eee... just like 15-he said i chuckled

-nice pics?

- oh yeah really nice ones i'm way too hot- he said grinning i shooked my head

-yeah sure- i said " he is" myself said and i mentally slapped her


-of who? you?- i smirked

-of course! i bet you want this curls- he said making a move with the head like in a shampoo publicity i laughed

-whatever harold- i finished my drink while looking at him reblogging pictures of himself and the lads.-so what are today plans?- i asked after an hour or so

-just stay in and be lazy all the morning, until 6

-why? what are we doing at 6?- he gave me a warning stare and i just smiled -ok i got it no questions

-wanna watch a film?

-sure, which one?

-hmm i dont know maybe titanic?- he said i gulped

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