chapter 32

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A/N: i wasnt really in my best mood but i found this on @Kjeik143 profile and it  somehow helped me to feel better enough to write your chapter so thats why it is dedicated to her 

Head up, stay strong, fake smile, move on.


- so where do you want to eat?- harry asked

-wherever - i answered simply, i love food it didnt matter what it was

-i was hoping you answered that- he smiled, we walked a little in the streets around us getting every time closer to the hotel and far from the museum.


-why what?- he asked confused

-why you wanted me to say that?

-ohh- he smiled- because i know about a perfect plase to make dreams come true- i smiled at him.

It was something i still couldnt understand, he was making all my dreams come true, but why? it wasnt like he had to or he needed to, and when i asked him he gave me a confusing answer, he had said he was happy seeing me happy? but that couldnt be, that was like one of those cheesy movies i like so much, and my life wasnt a love film it was more like a drama one...

we walked for some minutes until we were outside of a little chinese restaurant, i looked confused t harry i am not a big fan of seafood and if im right chinese food has loads of it 

-hmm.. harry ?

-yes ?- he grinned at me 

-why is a chinese restaurant "the perfect place to make dreams come true"?- i said copying his words he giggled

-you know you shoul propably never try to mimic a guy, you suck at it - he chuckled i punched his arm 

-hey ! did you left your charming side on the museum?- he laughed more

-maybe- i couldnt stop myself but look at him while he laughed, his dimples were perfectly showing, his eyes closed so hard he had wrinkles, his perfect teeth showing while he tried to control himself laughing more instead, and his perfect pink lips that for a second i wanted to kiss, he somehow controled himself and looked at me, his eyes were shining , a green so vivid that was unreal his white shirt making him look really handsome and i shoul really stop looking at him because he is looking back, jeez, abort mission abort abort- enjoy the view?- he said cheeky

-it could be better, i think louis has a better bum, niall´s eyes could kill any girl, zayn´s jaw is for dying and liams arms...- he put a hand over my mouth 

-ok ok enough, one thing is to hear it from the fans but from you is sooo weird ... is kind of nasty that you can look at my best mates ike that 

-like what ?- i played the dumb card

-you know how

-do i ?- he shooked his curls and smiled at me 

-c´mon fangirl lets eat - i smiled and follow him to a table in a corner inside the chinese place

-can i take your order?- a beautiful pale girl asked to us, harry smiled at her, what was this i was feeling ? i couldnt be jealous could i ? no of course i cant !

-yes please- he answered and whispered something in her ear she nodded and wrote it down, i felt like fuming, why had he whispered her? was it for being near to her? why do you care emily ? can you please stop making questions to yourself? - i'll be back in a minute with your drinks- she said and left

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