chapter 17

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His words were slowly repeating in my mind but I couldn’t answer, my heart told me to answer with the truth, just as the same i have told the girls some hours ago, it was a simple Word, 3 letters, and it could change my life, make me happy, and make it with Harry at my side. But my brain was against my heart was telling me to run away from him, to say no because anyways we wouldn’t have a long relation, Harry´s relations are never long. I haven’t answered when Liam and Danielle came to the garden

-here you are! Congrats!- Danielle said looking at me, i didn’t looked at her i was still frozen in the same place my eyes glued to the curly haired guy in front of me-hmm guys?- Harry seemed nervous and i saw a tear about to escape from his eyes, was he sad because i was doubting it? No he´s not, my brain answered

-I’m sorry- i told Harry before running away, i passed Danielle and Liam and ran i Heard people calling after me but i didn’t stopped or turned back, i just kept running and running until I was finally out of that place, that’s when I left my tears to run down my checks, I was confused and angry with myself, Harry was now going to think I didn't liked him and probably start hatting me again

-why Emily? why you always mess up things?- i asked to myself,i was walking in some street when i saw a little coffe there and deceided to enter. i had not idea of where i was and it was getting cold , the dark outside cared me and i didnt wanted to walk alone at that hour, less dressed as that and my feet were starting to hurts after so many hours of dancing, i didnt knew what to do, i had not moey for a taxi, i couldnt phone Harry for obvious reasons, i didnt felt like talking to danielle or eleanor and i didnt wanted to phone anne cause she will be worried not just about me but for Harry ... i was thinking on who to phone when a men entered to the shop with a women at his side, i recognised him.

-Emily?- he asked i nooded- whats wrong' what are you doing here alone?- it was Rob, the guy who had drove me home when i arrived here, he works for Anne and was a great guy, every now and then i talked with him

-i.. i went to a party with harry but ...

-she doesnt seem right- the women at his side said

-emily she is Amy my wife- he introduced me

-nice to meet you- i said 

-same, dou you want us to take you home'- she asked sweetly

-i dont want to bother you

-is not problem at all, come hun- she said and gave a hug i smiled

-thank you- i said they left me at the house and i entered in silence, but anne was awake worried eyes and confused look

-Emily!- she shouted when she saw me- what happened? are you ok? Harry arrived some minutes ago crying and he said he didnt wanted to talk when i asked him where you were he cried more and he locked himself in his room, please dear tell me what is happening- she pleadded

-he asked me to be his girlfriend at the party... but I...-i left out a tear, how i was supoussed to explain her? it was her son! for my luck she didnt asked me more just nodded and said

-you dont need to explain it dear, its ok, go and sleep, you look tired, we´ll talk in the morning - she took out my tear and kissed my forehead before letting me go upstairs, when i was in the second floor i heard something terrible.

Harry was sobbing.

it broke my heart but as much as i wanted to go and calmed him, i knew i wasnt that brave and i will probably make all just worst, so instead of that i went to my room closed my door and left all my tears come down. I cried and ried and cried for hours, until it was too late and felt asleep in the floor of my bedroom.

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