chapter 10

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His lips were moving in perfect sync with mine, our kiss was sweet but at the same time it was powerful, and i have to admit that was an amazing kiss. When we broke apart our foreheads were still touching and i opened my eyes to found his looking directly at me making me blush and look to my feet.

-Damn it- he whispered-you are so beautiful- he said taking a strap of my hair and playing with it his other hand resting in my waist.

-H-Harry... are you going to disapear for another month and stop talking to me?- i whispered taking my hands out of his shoulders and giving a step backwards, he sighed and moved his hand throw his curls

-Emily... I

-just answer my question Harry

-Harry!- we heard another voice shoutting, we turned to look at Gemma

-Gem? what are you doing here?- he asked frowing

-oh let me think.. searching for you maybe? you both left the house more than an hour ago without saying anything, did you tought anyone was going to notice it? mum called me because they were worried sick and didnt found you!

-shit- harry whispered, i looked at him then back at Gemma and walked towards her

-sorry Gem- i said when i was at her side and walked back to the house. Harry and Gemma were some meters after me and i could hear their conversation

-what were you doing there harry?

-i needed to talk with her and it was the only calm place i could think about

-talk? about what?

-thats not of your interest!

-of course it is! my brother and my sister disapeared from the face of the earth for talking and you think we are going to drop the subject just like that!

-yes! because is our lifea not yours!

-you should have think before taking her to that place! it was our secret Harry and now that she knows it she will probably go there and fangirl, she is still a fan and you know that- i didnt want to hear more, i could already see the house some meters away so i ran there. When i opened the door Anne was there talking with Louis the rest were talking in the couch near, Gemma had phoned them when she found us so they werent worried. In the moment i opened the door everyone looked at me

-I'm really sorry, it was my fault, wont happen again, i promise- i said before running to my room.

I closed the door after me and left the tears come out, it was unbeliable what happened, Harry was playing with me, i was still just another fan to him, a toy he could easily manipulate, and that hurts.


-.... she is still a fan and you know that!-gemma said to me, i saw how Emily ran to the house and i stopped walking and looked at my sister

-she is not just a fan, she is not ust that anymore- i said angry and ran to the house Gemma followed me i opened the door to look at Emily running upstairs

-what happened to both of you?- my mum asked while giving me a hug- i was worried!

-sorry mum, it was my fault

-well thats funny because she said it was her fault- Louis said winning a death glare of my part

-well it doesnt matter whos fault it was because she said it wont happen again, and you are fine- Danielle said

-Nice to see you Dani

-Hi harry- she smiled at me

-i'm going to talk with her- i informed before going upstairs, i was about to knock the door when i heard her sobbing. I turned and went downstairs, everyone looked at me confused

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