chapter 36.5

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A/N: i feel like im doing something wrong cause you guys arent voting or leaving comments anymore, so please let me know what i did wrong so i can change it.


-wooow- Paolo exclaimed looking around the room- this is the biggest hotel room i have ever seen 

-yeah i know, me too- i sighed, harry wasnt here, he had lied to me, he didnt cared about what his fans tought of me, he didnt cared if i tried to be a better person, to give asomething to his fans because i felt guilty knowing i had all the luck in the world by meeting him

-are you alright?- Fiorella asked

-yes- i faked a smile- so what do you want to do ?

- can we.. hmm... you know ..-Lucilla said looking to the other girls searching for support

-do you think we could call the boys? we dont want you to think we are here just for that, we like you but, you know...- Sienna asked shy and quickly i nodded

-sure- i took my laptop and they looked at me weird- what?

-what are you doing?- editta said

-opening my skype, dont you want to talk to the boys?- i asked confused

-omg! are you serious?- Lucilla said excited, i grinned and look who was online, lucky for me liam was and i called him the girls and paolo were looking me with their eyes wide open from the other side of the room 

-hello there!- a happy liam answered 

-hey liam!- i smiled - i want to introduce you to some friends 

-friends? were are you ?

-at the hotel, dont ask about harry- i said serious then motioned to the girls and boy to come near to see him on the screen 

-liam, let me introduce you to Sienna, Editta,lucilla,Fiorella and paolo- i pointed to each -they are your fans, and well i think you should talk- i smiled and let the laptop on the bed the 5 going around the screen to look at it. 

The guys talked with Liam for some good 15 minutes until he had to go and they said goodbye, a minute after they had ended the call my phone rang 

-hello?- i asked not even looking to the id

-where the hell is harold?- liam worried voice asked

-i dont know- i sighed sinceresly 

-what you mean you dont know?

-i dont know!- i said lowder going out of the room so i could have some kind of privacy- i went back to the hotel, and he wasnt here, he didnt left a note or anything- i said sad - he said he would wait for us here, he was going to meet your fans , for me- i whispered 

-i´ll call him, he better have a reason to have you worried and sad 

-i am not..

-shush i know you are, and how couldnt you if you like him so much?

-i dont..

-yeah yeah sure, bye emily- and he hunged up i went back into the room and sat on the couch between Sienna and Fiorella.

we were talking about different stuff when there was a knock on the door, i opened it with hope, but instead of looking to those curls i was expecting i saw a blond guy 

-excuse me, i have something for Fiorella?- he said unsure i frowned "what the hell?" was all i could think 

-yes?- fiorella said coming to my side, the guy handed her a bouquet of flowers we all were confused and with that the guy left , i closed the door and looked at her who was as shocked and confused as me - who could know im here?- she asked to herself 

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