Chapter 23

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I was so hypnotized with his eyes i didnt noticed the song had ended he gave a kiss to my check and left me there, atonished, shocked.

My head had so many troubles because of harry, he was so perfect in every way, he treated me more tha just fine and i was always being so rude with him.

i never wanted to be like this, i always dreamed with being with him all my life, and now that i got the oportunity i was throwing it away as a crumpled paper sheet.

Not really thinking what i was doing i walked out of the room

-where are ya going ?- i heard zayn shouting at me i looked at him and shooked my head my mind not really thinking what he just asked, i keep walkink throw liam's flat, trying to find a place, not sure what i was searching, i opened a door and found a bedroom, it was all clean and there were nothing that showed that was liam's room so i supoused it was the guests room. I sat at the bed and look to the white wall infront of me, not thinking in anything, my ears blocking the sounds of the party, my mind focused in just one thing.


I was trying to find a good reason of why i had say no when he asked me to be his girlfriend, i was trying to find a reason of why i hadnt accepted his gift, i was trying to find a reason why i hadnt read his last letter that same morning, but as much as i tought, i couldnt find any good reason. The more i tought the more i was sure i had made a lot of mistakes, but i couldnt think of a way to correct them, i knew there had to be a way, to show him that i actually liked him back, that i was more than happy knowing he hadn't found another girl to come with to this party,but i didnt knew how.


the song fiished and i felt my phone vibratting in my pocket, i gave emily a sweet kiss on the check, and left the room, going to the door to greet an old friend, i opened and found her there

-Hazza!- she shouted smiling and jumped to my arms, i hugged her back

-hi gurl!

-oh my god i had missed you so much! it seems like years since i last saw you!- i chuckled

-yeah i know, being famous isnt easy- i played

-oh dont play the im famous card with me styles!

-but i AM famous! and my fans are the best of the world!- i knew that would initiate a debate, it was always the same with her, its really funny seeing her frustated trying to contradict me

-how many time i have to tell you that your fans are not better than mine?- she said all sassy

-until i beleive it maybe?- i asked making her more annoyed

-i hate you- she said rolling her eyes, obviously not in the mood of discusing it once again

-sure you do- i gave her a smile nd she just punshed my arm

-where's your special girl?- she asked grinning at me, i have asked her to come so she could meet Emily, i knew Emily loved her and wanted to meet her, and if i could introduce them, well why not, the only thing that worried me was that they together could make explode something

-come with me- i said smiling and took her hand pulling her between people, in our ay towards where i had left Em she greet everyone, the guys were also really happy to see her again, but when we were at the living room, there was no sign of emily.

-sooo.. where is she?

-im trying to find her! i left her here a minute ago!

-you left her alone!?! ughh.. men this days; lets search her, you here, 'll search in the rooms- i nodded and let her find Emily, i started searching her myself starting at the kitchen and the bathroom, when i found none there i asked Eleanor and danielle if they had seen her both said no but that she was robably just at the loo or something, like i had already search for her at the bathroom i was pretty sure they were wrong i asked niall, but the lad was so drunk since we arrived he couldnt understan what i was searching, zayn noticed my stress trying to make sense on niall and came towards us

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