chapter 12

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As he sat on the couch next to me we watched the film in silence, it was absolutly one of my favourite movies, i had read the book like 3 times and i just loved it. 

Everytime i watch it i cant evite but let all my feelings for my sister to attack me and think what would happened if it was me the bigger one and we were trapped in that situation.

I noticed Harry staring at me but i was too foward my own thoughts to do something respect it. The movie was in the part were Katniss kiss Peeta and that made me return to the real world, i made a mental" awww" and smiled at the couple of the movie making Harry frown in confusiion 

-why are you smiling? 

-uhh?- i asked looking at him 

-you start smiling at the screen, why?- his eyes were looking directly At me making me feel butterflies in the stomach, and i mean seriously, i had always tought it was just a way of saying you like something or you were excited but no, i actually felt like there were butteflies inside me, and i couldnt understand how a pair of eyes could make me feel like that. 

-i .. i just... i dont know.. it just sweet how they. .. i just found it sweet- i said not knowing the answer to his question plus he made me nervous. 


i just said he made me nervous? and some seconds before that i was lost in his eyes.? 

Woooah there Emily! stop! stop! stop abort mission stop looking at him before you give him the wrong ideas! 

I turned away hearing at my brain even tought i actually wanted to keep eye contact with him. 

Who i am trying to kid, i loved the fact that he was trying to show me another side of him, i loved the fact that. maybe it was a possibility that what Eleanor said ccould be true and he actually liked me, a little at least. But i couldnt give up and fell for him, no i just couldnt because in other side i was afraid, really afraid, what if i was totally wrong and he actually just want me in his bed and thats all, what if i was just another game, after his fans saw i was living with Anne, they all started to send hate to me, it was horrible to read those messages, and what i thiught every time i read them was about Eleanor and Danielle, if i by just living with Anne, I was receiving all that hate, even tought i almost never talked with Harry, what type of things they have to read? the simple tought disgusted me, and i was scared of that too, i know the fans were really important for the lads, aand that directioners are always trying to" protect" them, so if they didnt aproved me there was no way i was sleeping again until i was far away from Harry, thats why i tried to keep my distance with him, between all the ex girlfriends of the 5 guys the ones who had received more hate were Harry's, directioners never like Harry with a girl. And there was this other thing, as we all know i was a fan before from there i knew Harry like older girls that him, sometime a LOT older than him, and i wasnt older... i had a year less than him another fact to not beleive him or Eleanor.

I had been overthinking too much, and i havent noticed the fil had finished, Harry stayed up and took out the dvd replacing it with a different one he had choosed.

-what are we watching? 

-Sherlock Holmes- he said grinning at me while coming back to the couch, this time he sat near to me, his leg brushing mine making gosegumps appear on my skin- do you like it? 

- not that much actually 


- well i have never seen the end, i always fell asleep- he smiled swetly at me 

-i love it- he said pressing the play button

We watched it, and once again none said a word,we were like half of it when i yawned, he looked at me 

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