chapter 22

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We arrived to liam's flat and i was nervous as hell, dont ask me why, is just like when you go to a party and feel like you shouldnt be there but at the same time you want to be there so your head starts to make up so many different situations that could happen that your hands start to shake, well just like that i was.

-why are you shivering?- he asked

- how many people you said were coming again?- i asked not taking out my eyes from the closed door infront of us

-like 20 i think, em, dont worry, you look stunning- he gave me one of those smiles that would make any girl's heart mealt and knocked the door, a smiling Liam opened the door

-hey guys! finally! come in!- he said happily and let us in - look who arrived! -liam shouted making all the people in the room turn and look at me and we received a chourous of "woohooo" and "yaaaaay" The music was really loud and pretty much everyone had a beer on his hand

-Emily!- i heard someone yelling my name i turned to look to two smiling girls that always made me feel ugly as hell

-Dani! Ele!- i greet both and they gave me a hug

-hows the birthday girl?- eleanor asked in a singing voice

-shuush- i said rolling my eyes- im trying to forget it is today

-yeah like if we were going to let you do that- harry whispered in my ear making a shiver ran throw my body

-guys...- i started but was interrupted by someone tackling me to the floor-damn it! Niall! I cant breath! - he moved himself from on top of me and said

-hiya emily!!!!- omg he cant be drunk this soon, can he?

-hi Niall

-i want to daaaance!!!!- he screamed in my ear even tough we were inches apart

-go and dance then!- i said

-come with me!- he gave me no time to answer and pulled me to the crowd, i havent actually stared to who was there but when niall made me move myself throw the bunch of people i could recognize some faces i just had dream to meet.

-oh my god- i whispered

-what?- Harry asked, how the hell was he at my side? didnt he stayed with dani at the door?

-hmm.. nothing- i said trying no to fangirl, that didnt resulted really well when i met Harry

-are you blushing because you saw someone?- he asked amusued turning around and trying to find out who i was staring at

-pff.. not obviously not, i wasnt looking to anyone- i said trying to hide my checks red tone, suddenly his eyes were wide opened and he chuckled and raised his eyebrows- were you looking at him?- he pointed to a ginger guy i had recognized

-who?- i tried to hide myslef, i couldnt fangirl right then and right there, of course he just laughed

-come with me, i'll introduce you - i think i couldnt open more my eyes

-dont leave me!!- niall begged and i laughed he had been dancing alone but just when Harry was going to pull me he deceided to remember i was there too

-i cant leave him- i tried to convince harry, i wasnt ready to just go and talk to him

-yeah sure, we'll be back in a minute nialler, and with some food- niall inmediatly let go my wrist and harry pulled me towards the ginger guy "shit shit shit" was all what i could think about " you are dreaming emily, you are dreaming again"

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