chapter 33

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-harry! harry!- i heard screams outside i frowned before openning my eyes and discover an empty bed, i sighed, those fans were really crazy it was 8:30 am in other words pretty early for someone who didnt slept that much last night, and all thanks to certain curly haired boy

*flashback to dream* 

-harry?- my shy voice asked 


-where are we?- i had closed my eyes following his instructions, i could feel a soft ground with my feet, grass, where could we be that i was walking in grass? 

-in a special place love- he said his hands wrapping mine, directing me in the right way- open your eyes- i did as told and found myself in one of the most beautiful places on the earth, if there is a heaven, im sure it looks like that garden 

-oh my god- i whispered he smiled and hugged me from the back 

-you like it? 

-i love it! 

-more than me?- he raised an eyebrow and i rolled my eyes before turning in his arms 

-no you silly, i love you more than anything on this universe 

and with that i kissed his perfect pink lips

*end of dream*

the thing with the dream, is that i wanted it to be real, and that scared me, i was starting to like harry way to fast, of course i always tought he was handsome and that stuff, but i couldnt ruin the friendship we were starting to form, that apart from the fact that if he had flirted with a pretty girl in front of me, and, that i was sure he could have any girl on his bed whenever he wanted, and i wasnt ready to give him that. 

so i had stayed awake pretty much all the night trying to find an answer to all my questions, to make clear all my feeling and to try to discover an answer to the puzzle that harry is.


knowing the screaming was never going to stop i went to take a shower and took my time to do all that girl stuff i have to do in a while, i even brushed my teeth twice to be sure they were clean and not red from yesterdays soda. 

the screams were louder with every minute, but suddenly they stopped.  

scared i jumped from the couch were i was painting my nails and went to the window and saw the girls were still there, but didnt screamed" what the hell?" i tought, i could see harry on the entrance of the hotel talking with the fans, it seemed like he was the onlyone talking ,the girls with him smiling and whispering, how had he managed to make them stop shouting? i shuggred and went back to my nails

once i was done with both hands and feet i tought it was a good idea to see what was happening on twitter, so i took my phone and started to go throw my favourites accounts, since i arrived with anne i wasnt a big fan of reading my mentions anymore, they were always questions about harry, or the lads, but once in a while i looked at them, and it also was amazing to read some of them, it was weird not being part of the fandom as a fan anymore, but it was more odd to read they now call me emily styles, i liked it someway tought, because i always admired the styles family, harry well just for being him, gemma because of her beauty, anne for being so strong and for taking care of her two childs so good, and somehow i also liked robin, i dont know why... but being a styles was a pleasure to me, it meant being part of a family something i had lost. 

-what are you doing?- a voice said in my back making me jump- hey is just me 

-shit harry you almost gave me a heart attack- he giggled  

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