chapter 21

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After some moments not saying a word, and harry hugging me while i sobbed i finally managed to stop my tears.

-you know- he whispered while playing with my hair- you are not that bad singing- that made me crack up- what?- he asked confused

-you have to be kidding- i said still laughing

-im not- he said frowing i pinched his check

-you are a sweetheart, but seriously go and visit a doctor- he smiled sweetly at me and i rested again in his chest


Emily had to be the most amazing girl of the world, she was like an angel, my personal way to happiness, she was cute, sweet,smart, funny, and beautiful what else ccould i ask for? oh yeah to have her as mine. ..

I was very dissapointed when she didnt accepted my present but i was glad she had ask me to stay with her while she talked with her parents.

Looking at her in such a vulnerable state made me want to protect her, hugg her and confort her as much as i could. When she was singing she look so delicated, so fragil and so tiny it was like the wind could broke her in million pieces and when she left the first tear came out i just wished i could stop her, to make her happy, give her a fresh start.

-are you hungry?- i asked after we have been silent for a long time

-a little- she whispered

-lets go to eat, we can go ro any place you want, is your birthday so you choose

-can we go home?- she asked i smiled at her, she also was shy and simple, not complications or extravagant.

-of course we can- i kissed her head and put myself on my feet, i extended my hand to her and she took it letting me help her to stand up. I smiled at her and took her hand; she seemed surprised but soon relaxed abd hold my hand too, my fingers wrapping around hers in a perfect way.

We arrived home and she walked to the kitchen taking out things to cook something.

-woah whoa whoaaaa there!- i exlaimed

-what?- she turned to me looking confused and tired

-you go and relax i cook today


-just shus and do it, you are tired, i can see it, go and watch a movie or just sit there if you want but let me- she rolled her eyes but walked away and into the tv room. I smiled to myself proud and start our meal.

After like 45 minutes i had made somthing eatable and i was ready to give thhe food to her

-emily!- i shouted but had no answer back, i worried and ran out of the room and into the tv room just to see her pacefully asleep i smiled at her and gave a sweet and long kiss to her check, she slowly opened her eyes

-morning princess, are you hungry?- she nodded- I'll bring the food you choose a film ok?- she nodded again and i kissed her forehead before going to serve our plates.

I returned after a minute with both plates in my hands and gave her one

-what are we watching?- i asked

-pirates of the caribean- se answered with the fork already in her mouth i giggled and sat next to her the film already starting.

When the movie finished i stared at her again, after she had finished her food she had rested her head in my shoulder and i think she tought i was going to pull her away because she inmediatly moved herself but i had took her and made her head to rest in my lap.

It was so confortable to have her so close to me, her warm body making me feel relaxed and completem and something i will never get tired of was playing with her hair.

-Harry?- she whispered when the screen became black

-yes love?

-when are you meeting with your friend?

-friend?- i asked connfused

-the girl you are spending time with today? te one i was supoussed to meet?

-oh !- i havent even still remembered that, the innocent girl had no idea...- in some hours, we are going to a little party at Liam's

-party?- she asked- to celebrate what?

-nothing in particular, you know, just like 20 people together for have some fun, dance, drink something


-do you want to get ready now? i know girls need a lot of time before parties- she tought it for a second

-what should i wear?- she asked worried

-it doesnt matter, dont worry you are always perfect- i noticed the red tone of her checks, i love when she blushes

-it is formal or..?

-more like semi formal i think- she nodded

-ok i'll search something- she sat up and leaved the room going to hers, this was going to be good, i was sure.

*some hours later*

-emily! is late! we have to go now!- i shouted at her i was wearing some jeans and a white shirt with my blazer and white sneakers not too elegant but not that simple.

-im coming!- she answered and i heard her footsteps coming downstairs, i turned to look at her and oh my god she was stunning, her simple withe dress with her blue higheels were perfect to her, her hair was undone and a little flower of the same colour as her dress was decorating it

-what?- she asked scared- am i wrong? this looks bad? why are you staring at me?- she worried

-is not that- i chuckled and went closer to her- is just that you look stunning, you really are beautiful- she blushed and gave me a shy smile

-thank you- she whispered

-lets go we are already late- i took her hand and put my fingers around hers just as i liked it, i think it was one of my favourites things just to hold her warm hand and be sure she is safe at my side

-yeah lets go we dont want your friend to wait you for too long- she said sad, i laughed inside, the poor girl had not idea what was waitting for her at Liam's place.

I opened the door of my car for her, letting her in. I ran to the other side and came in. I put the keys on and before turning the radio on i looked at her, she was putting on her seatbelt once she did i asked her

-ready- she nodded - then HERE WE GOOOO!!- i said in a peter pan voice making her laugh, her laugh, the most amazing sound not just of the world, the best sound of the whole universe.


extra short chapter.... i know i know BUT im uploading again really soon and i uploaded like 5 days ago so you have no right to kill me!!

ok now that thats clear PLEASE I BEGG YOU tell me what you think in a comment, and dont forget to vote, fan and tell everyone about it!!!!

love ya everyone!!!


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