chapter 39

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*knoc knock knock*

-hmmmm- i grunted turning on the bed i wanted to sleep a little bit more

*knock knoc kncok*

-go away- harrys raspy voice said and he wrapped me between his arms. That woke me up

-hmm... harry?

-hmm??- he said annoyed

-let go- i said taking his hand he opened his eyes abruptly and took his hand from me

-sorry- he blushed i nodded

-no problem

*knock knock knock*

-im coming!- i shouted annoyed and opened the door

-good afternoon to you too- charles laughed entering the room, harry was still laying on the bed but watching us

-afternoon?- i asked surprised

-yeah it is 2pm, i dont know how you are not hungry yet

-i was sleeping- i said rolling my eyes he laughed

-yeah i can see that, did you enjoyed your midnight snack?- he asked looking to the papers we had left after eating at 4 am

-yup- i nodded

-why you woke us?- harry interrupted semi annoyed, his voice was raspy and his eyes were tired

-we should go eat before our activity of today so be ready in an hour and i'll take you to one of the best restaurants around here- i nodded and he smiled leaving the room, i closed the door after him. Harry went out of the bed and walked ttowards his bag taking out some clothes

-are you alright?- i asked he frowned

-yeah? why shouldnt i?- he sked confused, his voice still sounded weird

-i dont know- i shuggred but actually i was pretty sure he was getting sick

-im going to shower- he stated i nodded and he disappeared


-are you sure you dont want to change tables?- i asked harry again, we were eating on the balcony of the restaurant, the wind was cold and harry had been sneezing these 15 minutes

-yeah im sure- he said rolling his eyes, he wasnt alright, and im pretty sure of that

-here are your orders- the waitress told us giving us each a plate

-thanks- i smiled politly and we started eating

-omg!- i smiled - this is heaven!

-yah its one of my fave mexicain plates- chrales agreed

-what is this even called?- harry asked i opened my eyes even more, shocked

-you dont know? - i asked

-no..- he frowned looking at his plate

-i can say this is meat and this cream tastes weird but i dont know what they are

-esto mi amigo son chiles en nogada- charles said speaking spanish for the first time since i met him

-chailes of what?- harry asked i giggled

-en nogada- charles repeted

-well i like them- he grinned i giggled again, he was so cute when he was confused

We talked and laughed while we ate and before we knew it it was already 3:30pm and Charles told us to start to hurry because we had a trip of one hour for whatever he and harry had planned.

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