chapter 19

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It was the day, no way of running out of it, sunday... my birthday and most important of all, the first time i wasnt with my sister at my parents grave the day they died.

From the moment i opened the eyes i wanted to sleep again, but that was not going to happen and i knew it, it was late my clock never lies, and i had to go out of the house and search for a nice place where i could remember my parents in my own, it was the first year i wasnt at their graves with my sister and that was making me feel terrible guilty. I knew Anne and robin werent going to be at the house i heard them saying so to harry yesterday at night when he arrived

*flashback last night*

-im home-harry shouted

-dont shout Em is sleeping-i hear anne telling him

-sorry-he apollogised

-were have you been the hole day? i had a surprise!-she exclaimed

-i was planninng something, i told you i was going to make some research and i didd

-yeah you did but i never tought you were being serious...

-i was

-obviously, what are you doing tomorrow harold?

-dont call me like that!- he said frustrated- i have some plans, i want to spend the day with a friend

-friend? like a girl?

-yes a girl mum, why anyways?

-oh because i was hoping you could stay here with Em im going out all the day with

-Hey Harry!- she was interrupted by Robin

-hey!- he said excited -surprise uhhh?

-yeah- Robin chuckled - lets go to the kitchen, we dont want to wake Em

And after that i didnt heard a sound going to a calmed sleep


I didnt knew what Harry had said about staying here the day, and i was wishing with all my power that he had said no and was going to go with that "friend" of his.

Of course my wish didnt came true.

-happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Eeeem Happy birthday to youuuu- i heard his beautiful voice singing in my door; i turned to look at the door slowly openning and a curly haired guy smiling at me-morning birthday girl- he said with a smile, i frowned confused

-what are you doing?-i asked a little harsh

-nice sleeping voice- he said his dimples showing

-harry..- i said serious

-i wanted to be the first one wishing you a happy birthday- he said walking towards my bed and sitting in the edge of it close to me

-how you know today is my birthday?- i asked not looking at him

-i made some research- he said proud


-stop making questions open your presents- he said while giving me a folded paper and a box i looked up at him his beautiful green eyes shinnning

-harry i dont

-celebrate or like my birthday- he said in a girly voice- i knoe you dont but that is changing today, now open it- i half sitted before opening the box, there was a tiny chain for a bracalete but without any hanging

-whats this?- i asked amused

-you should had opened the other first - i smiled at him and opened the paper, there was 3 papers actually i took the first and read

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