chapter 40

366 11 3

i was writting down what we had done today as always, it was almost 1am when harrys breathing rythm increased, i looked at him who was at my side

-harry?- i asked more to myself than actually to him, he didnt answered, he was sweating and he wasnt breathing normally, i jumped to his side of the bed and shook his arm -harry, wake up- i said worried, i have seen this happen before , my sister once when we were on new york had the exactly same sympthoms than harry, she at first had some kind of flu, then she would throw up and sweat all the time, it wasnt nice to watch, and even when she got well just by drinking some medicine and resting for two days it was horrible to see, the difference is that back then, my mum was the one who would know what to do , and now it was my turn. - harry please- i sobbed, i couldnt stop myself, the tears were free falling because i couldnt stand to see him suffering like this, he suddenly opened his eyes and a wave of relief flow throw me-shh, calm down- i whispered taking some wet curls from his forehead

-emily- he whispered closing his eyes and laying down again

-im here harry, dont worry- i said

-why are you crying?- he asked

-i am worried- i admitted he smiled with his eyes closed

-about me?

-yes you idiot, about you

-im glad- what?!- it means you care about me

-no shit sherlock, you know what would happen to me if i let you die? your fans would mostly like kill me- i joked he chuckled slightly

-we both know thats not the only reason- i smiled

-i'll bring you some water- he nodded and i folded the paper i have been writting some minutes ago -here- i handed him another bottle, he sat and drink it 

-what were you doing?- he asked taking my paper 

-No!!- i shouted and tried to take it back but he put it on the other side, his arm extended so i couldnt reach it without having to be on top of him-harry im serious give it back 

-why?- he said playful, this side of harry, the cheeky and childish one, was my favourite but i couldnt let him read my diary, i couldnt! 

-because you can not read it- i tried to take it only resulting on him opening it 

-harry please- i said 

-i want to reead it- he grinned 

-im being serious harold give me the damn paper 

-oooow we are using bad words i see? 

-harold! give it back is personal- i tried to reach it 

-just if you kiss me 


-i'll give it to you if you kiss me- well i can do that i tought and kissed his cheek 

-now give it back- he chuckled  

-no-uh a kiss here- he said pointing to his perfect lips 

-no harry- i sturbonly said even when my mind was telling me to kiss him as if there was no tomorrow 

-is not like you havent done it- he raised his eyebbrows 

-this isnt funny harry- i whispered 

-please?- he suddenly said, wait what? 


-please? can i kiss you? 

-you are really not feeling alright- i laughed even tought his question had made me weak 

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