chapter 25

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-hello emily!

-nice to see you again!

-did you had a good birthday?

-hey there girl!- all those questions and more were made to me at the same time, people in other tables turned to look at us and i blushed, i sat in the chair Harry had pulled out for me and he sat at my right, i looked to everyone in the table, there they were (in order of harry who was to my right to my left) louis,eleanor,ed,liam,danielle,zayn,cher and niall i smiled at them

-what are you all doing here? - i asked

-well as you deceided to keep your birthday as a secret we are here to celebrate it- Louis said obviously still a little angry about me not telling him

-but ...

-oh shus! arent you glad to see us again?

-of course i am

-then shush-i rolled my eyes m tired of having that same discussion with everyone lately and decided to have a good time.

we stayed there talking and having fun, we laughed and ate some delicious things and keept talking, i had an amazing time with them, it was getting late, we had just finished the chocolate ice cream we ordered and then there was a light, a blue light iluminating a dance floor, a lot of couples went out of their seats while others took their places and people started dancing to slow melodies, all those women with long and elegant dresses were turning here and there all men in their most elegant suits smiling to them, and then.....: me. I turned to look at the other girls in the table, they were all so damn beautiful, every single of them had their make up perfectly done, their dresses fixed them more than perfectly and they 3 all looked gorgeous, and im not saying i look horrible, but i was just a regular girl between stars.

-lets dance- danielle said taking liams hand he smiled sweetly at her and they went to dance

-would you?- louis asked in his best "proper" tone to eleanor she just chuckled and took his hand going after liam and danielle.

-i'll be back in a minute- i said to harry and took my purse going to the bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror, i looked so much alike my sister, for a mokent i saw her in the mirror instead of myself, we were almost identical except from the age and that she is blonde. I am not sure how long i stayed there just looking to my reflection, thinking about my sister and our live together back home, it all seemed so distant, time had gone quickly and so slow at the same time, i cant explain it.

I was interrupted when a girl with a lovly smile opened the door of the bathroom

-here you are! we were thinking you had been locked somewhere- it was cher i smiled at her


-what were you doing here?- i shooked my head

-i dont know, just thinking

-well think about going out there is more than one guy waitting to dance with you

-what?- sshe gave me no time for anything pulling me out and into the corridor who leads to our table, when we were there i found ele and louis had sitted, while we approached Zayn came towards us

-i called to be first!- he aaid as if i was supoussed to understand it cher let go of my hand and zayn pulled me towards the blue light

-i dont dance zayn

-sure you dont, we both know you do, and any way you also know im not the best dancer- i chuckled he took my hand and made me turn, we danced for like two songs before Niall came and stealing me from zayn who just rolled his eyes

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