chapter 9

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I yawned and slowly opened my eyes, it was another rainning morning here, i had been here for almost a month now, i cant beleive it... whats new around here? well not that much, im going to arts school, i stay at home with Anne the rest of the day, talk with my sister that miss me tons at night and at weekends i spend time with my classmates, do homework or with Gemma and sometimes i stay at home with Anne.and the lads? well i havent see them again, not even Harry, i have talked with them sometimes at twitter and at phone, with all of them, except certain curly hair one.

Im not denying, i hate this, i hate it with all my soul because i feel like all this is my fault. Today is going to be different tough, they are coming here, Anne invited them to have dinner together, and it is like the first time i met them, i dont know what to do, i am nervous and i feel as ugly as never.  

I want to look as beautiful as possible, but i ust dont know how to achieve that. But is morning and i have a lot of time for thinking before they arrive is just 11am and they said they'll be here around 6pm that means they will actually be here at 7 so i have loads of time!

*7 hours after* 

-i want u back, i want u back, i want u want u back....- i was signing as loud as possible in my room, so i didnt noticed the door had been opened. 

- hi Emily- louis said laughing histerically at me, Eleanor was as his side, i went pale as a ghost before blushing as as never in my life, god why this things always happen to me 

-hi- i answered, i havent even dressed myself, i was still in my ugly jeans and a simple shirt and in front was one of the most gorgeous guy of the world and her extra beautiful girlfriend  

-are you coming?- Eleanor asked  

-emm.. yup, in a minute 

-do you need help?- she asked sweetly, i smiled shyly and nodded 

-ok i'll leave you girls alone- LOuis said gave Eleanor a kiss on the check and left closing the door after her  

-werent you supoussed to be expecting us to arrive? 

-yes, but i didnt knew what to wear and i wasnt feeling lik...- i closed my mouth, i didnt felt like seeing Harry again, it had been a month since he kissed me and we havent said a word after that, plus i felt a little bit insecure being around those guys and their hot girlfriends. Eleanor deceided to ignore my uncomplete sentence and keep talking 

-oh c'mon! they want to see you again, it has been a long month you know? and Dani is coming also you wont let us to be the only girls!- she said and took my hand pulling me to my closet- lets choose some clothes.

He stared at every single thing i had in my closet, i didnt had that much clothes, back home i havent and i didnt brought much when i came here. 

-this is really nice- she said taking out an outfit, it was pair of black trousers and a long white shirt, she also took out black high heels and started searching for earings to give me- you know we really have to take you shopping 

- i don like shopping 

- WHAT? - she looked scared at me, like if i had just confesed i was a murder or somethin 

- i just dont enoy it- i said simply, i took the clothes on her hands aand went to the bathroom for change myself, i usually didnt wear those trousers cause they were really tight but i didnt feel like complaining with her about what made me look fat and what no. I finished changing and took my hair in my usual ponytail before opening the door. 

-no no and no!- eleanor said looking at me  

-what?you gave me this!- i said motioning to my clothes 

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