chapter 5

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When I was about to enter to the kitchen i found out everyone was there, the five lads were talking and Gemma and Anne were sitting there, hearing the conversation. I stayed out of the place, hearing what they were saying.

-you should give her an oportunity- Liam said

-she's adorable- Zayn added

-and she has done nothing wrong- Louis said

- Haz mate, she has this big letters full of pictures that says dream and each letter means something, you don´t have an idea of how simple her dreams are she is so shy and Harry just by being here she already made like 6 dreams true...- i didn´t want to hear anymore so with the dishes in my hand I ran back to my room.

Or at last my room was my target.

I was running up the stairs and in the final step



I fall and the dishes with me, the glass were Niall had gave me coke, was now a million of little glasses.I was shocked and had like if it was far away people running towards me.

Suddenly I felt someone at my side, I looked up

-oh my god, I´m sorry Harry, really it wasn't my intention I was going to wash my dishes but I heard you were talking and I didn´t want to hear because that would be unpolite so I was going back to my room and...

-don´t worry is ok- he said calmy , I'm not going to lie, after hearing him all the day I was pretty sure he was going to shout at me, and his relaxed tone surprised me

-I am really really sorry-i said again worried he would get even more mad at me.

-MUM!- he shouted, not paying attention to me- she is bleeding!- seconds after Liam and Zayn were at my side Anne and Gemma at the bottom of the stairs looking at me worried, and Louis ran to search something to clean my mess up.

-Emily show me your arm- Harry said taking my hand in his, I frowned, my arm had blood on it but what was hurtting me was my ankle , not my arm

-it is okay- I said taking my hand out of his, I inmediatly touched my ankle with the other and left out a groan , a tear scaping from my eye, and I hated myself for that, too many tears in just one day, I felt ridiculous

-your ankle?- Harry asked concerned, I nodded- Zayn help me to take her to her room- he ordered.

Zayn put his arm under my shoulder and Harry did the same with the one wich was bleeding making me groan of pain again. They put me on my feet and jumping with one feet they walked me to my room and left me on my bed

- lay down- Harry instructed and I did, my head resting in the pillow both legs on the bed.

Anne came and took out the little glasses that were on my arm with some eyebrow tweezers making me sob of pain. When she took out the last piece Gemma covered my large cut with a band, and smiled sweetly at me.

-let me see your ankle- Anne said, taking off my shoes

-ouch- I said wincing in pain

-I don´t think it's broken - she said looking at it, not touching it again so I wouldnt wince once more

-maybe we should take her to a doctor, you know just to be sure- Liam said worried

-no- I said shaking my head- its not that bad I think is just twisted- I said not wanting to cry anymore even tough it was aching as hell; all the lads were in my room, Gemma had left and Anne was sitting in my bed watching carefully my ankle.

-well if you are sure, but you should rest, why don´t you try to sleep?- she suggested

-I´m not tired actually, I felt asleep on the plane

-we can stay a little with her Anne- Niall said smiling

-ok , I'll leave her in your hands, I'm going to take Gemma to her flat because her car is broken and I'll be back- she said to me and after smiling at me she added- I'm really happy that you are here Em- and she left , seconds later the main door was closed and we were left alone.

-guys?- Harry asked- could you leave me alone with her for a moment, I haven´t introduce myself properly

-sure- they answered in chorus and left my room, I was scared, I didn´t wanted them to leave, but my desesparate looks were ignored and when Louis closed the door after him, it was only the curly hair boy and me.

-Emily... I'm really sorry for treating you like that, I dont know what happened to me, I´m really sorry...- I just looked at my hands the ache on my ankle still present but I didn´t wanted him to notice, he sat on my bed- Emily, please look at me, I know I was awful with you, and I swear I am not like that always, it was just that seeing you here made everything look so real.. and for a moment I was scared my mother prefered you upon me, she have been talking about you for 3 days and she was all excited about having a new member on the family, and I won´t be his baby anymore.. I know I'm ridicoulous but is just ...

-it's ok harry- I said not looking at him, and not really beleiving him, it seemed like he had practiced all what he told me- I understand- he looked at me in desbelief


-I know you love your mother and you are scared of me taking her away from you, but I won't, I promise- I said, tought I knew I was never going to see him with the same eyes  

- thank you Em- he said and gave my leg a little squeeze  

-ouch - I said a little tear scaping from my eye 

- I'm Sorry! - he said worried 

-its .. its ok- he smiled at me 

- do you want an aspirine for the pain? 

-yes please- I answered shyly, maybe I was never going to admire him again, but we needed to tolerate each other for a year so it was better to start trying to be polite and friendly  

-I'll be back in a minute- he smiled at me and left the room.


hi guys! a little chapter for you, thank you so much for the 4 votes in the last chapters it really made my day!! you are awesome i love you all!! dont forget to vote, comment and keep reading!!



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