chapter 4

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I slammed the door after me, I was trying with all my strenght to not let the tears out of my eyes, it was ridicoulous I shouldnt give a fuck about a boastful guy that has nothing good to say and who dares to shout like that to her sister and her mother, it was clear I wasnt his big fan anymore, and it was ok, anyways most of people think I´m crazy being a fan of a band when I´m 18 years old, that´s what 12 or 14 years old girls do not " mature" 18 years old like me. Even when it hurted me, I was going to do the impossible to stop being his fan, I promised myself no to talk about him for the rest of my life. a little bit dramatic I know, but I couldn´t stand people who thinks they are better just because they were lucky enough to be famous, or because they have money.

After some minutes of controlling myself I was about to take my bags over my shoulder when the door was burst open

-Em please dont hear him, I want you to stay, this is my house, he doesn´t have any right to tell you to leave- Anne said

-I dont want to be a problem- I repeated what i had said to Louis. Louis, I gulped, I could promise myself I wasn´t going to be a fan of Harry anymore, but the rest of the guys.. that was another story, they had done nothing bad against me and I needed some support after all, and their voices were that support.

-you are not a problem, and if he can´t see that, then he won´t come visitting for a year but you are staying here- i knew she was just exaggerating, she was not going to stop seeing harry for me, but it felt nice to know she wanted so hard for me to stay, it made me question how much does she looks at her son anyway, with interviews, recording and tours, I felt pity towards that amazing women that loved her son but couldn´t see him as much as she should because of fans, fans like me.

-Anne... - I started but her hug stopped me, the door was opened once again

-oh I'm sorry I didn´t meant to interrupt...- Liam said I was in shock there were too many emotions going throw me in that moment

-dont worry Liam, I´m going downstairs right now, so you can meet each other- and with that Anne left us in the room

-hi- liam said awkwardly

-hi- I answered looking at him, I couldn´t beleive he was in front of me

-are you alrigh?- he asked

-I think so...- i answered

-you don´t really meant that about leaving, do you?- my silence was all what he need to know I actually meant it

-if you leave, Anne will be broken, you can´t do it

-I dont want to be. ..

-a problem, I know, but you are not, you don´t have an idea of how happy you are making her.

And with that I couldn´t stop any longer my tears and they started to run without control down my cheeks, I didnt looked up to Liam, I was ashemed for crying infront of him but in seconds time I felt his arms around my shoulder giving me a thight hug

-shhh it's ok, don´t cry- I keept crying, my head hidding in his chest- don´t cry. ... shhh everything is alright

-no nothing is alright- I whispered in between tears- he hates me, how am I supoussed to be alright if someone that means that much to me dont want to even look at me?

He continued to calm me down, playing with my hair and telling me it was ok, but it wasn't ok and when the door was once again opened I didn´t care who it was.

I felt a sudden change of arms and I was in someone else comfort, I looked up to found a different pair of beautiful brown eyes, looking sadly at me, I looked around and saw Liam smiling weakly at me

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