chapter 6

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I opened my eyes, and for a moment  was confused not recognizing the bed I was sleeping in; but after a brief moment everything came back to me: I was living with the Styles.

I heard a lot of noises downstairs and with all my strenght came out of the bed.I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, I choosed a pair of jeans and a simple light blue top, I braid my hair and left it on my right shoulder before putting on a necklace and earings, finally tooking out some silver shoes and went down being careful so my feet wouldn´t hurt, surprisingly it had seemed to heal during the night.

As I had predicted everyone was awake, chatting on the kitchen while eating breakfast, I entered the room smiling 

-Good morning Em!-Anne said being the first noticing my prescence

-good morning- i answered with a smile

-ready for today?- Louis asked grinning

-what?- i asked confused

-well I might have been looking at your dream placard and...- Niall started explaining- well I told the guys and we want to help you to make some of your dreams true- i was speechless


-because we want to make you happy- Liam answered simply


-oh shut up, just eat breakfast and we´ll leave- Zayn said, I did as told, I took my place in the kitchen table and eat some eggs and juice. After finishing I ran to my room and brushed my teeth,I aplied a little of mascara and lipstick and went downstairs again not having idea of what they had planned but either way excited to be with them for a little bit more, after all I had tought I wasn´t going to see them for a long time

-ready?- Liam said smiling

-yup- I answered excited, I also noticed Harry hadn´t say one word since I woke up, he was just looking at me, like if he was trying to figure out hat was going in my head, it was kind of creepy actually

-then let´s go!- Niall semi shouted

-good luck hun, if those guys do something wrong just phone me ok?- Anne said sweetly

-sure, thanks- it was still awkward how everyone seemed to take me as part of their family when i had just arrived a day before, I had tought it was going to be difficult living with someone else but they were making it easier and i was glad about it.

-we´ll take care of her Anne, don´t worry- Liam answered before opening the door for me I was going with Harry, Zayn and Niall while him and Louis were in another car.

-we´ll see you there!- Louis shouted at Harry who was driving, and still not talking wich made me hate him even more. I am a talkative person I hate silence. 

-what?- I asked confused

-they are going for something before going to our meeting point- Niall answered,I nodded and with Anne shouting "have fun" to us we left.

We were in front of the london eye, and needless to say I was more than happy jumping up and down everywhere, like it was monday and most of schools haven´t end classes there weren´t girls shoutting at the guys, and I was really glad for that, tought they were still wearing beanies and sun glasses, like if that was going to help .. anyway we were waitting for Louis and Liam while I took pictures of everything around me

-give it to me- Harry said talking for the first time that morning, he extended his hand towards me trying to grab the camera from me

-no - i said taking a step backwards

Being a Styles (completed) *editing*Where stories live. Discover now