chapter 8

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I reacted after a second moving backwards breaking the kiss, he looked at me sadly, he had kissed me, Harry Edward Styles had kissed me 

-what was that?- i asked confused and surprised 

-I'm sorry- he said before starting to walk towards the house, i followed him with my eyes, until he went upstairs and i couldnt see him anymore, i heard a door slamming and i was pretty sure it had been his room. 

I stayed there shocked, why had he kissed me? i tought he kind of hated me? was it because he felt sorry for me? yed sure that was it, he tought oh poor little girl, she doesnt have parents lets make her life less miserable and kiss her. I sighed, why was it all so confusing and hard with Harry? 

After a moment i heard the door opening and i turned to look at Anne smiling at me 

-hi Em 

-hello Anne 

-how are you 


-and Harry? i tought he was staying with you 

-in his room 

-oh..something is wrong dear? 

-no- i whispered  

-im going to talk to him

Harrys POV 

i was in my room, hearing music laying in my bed, my celphone in my hand, i was trying to call Louis but he had refused to answer my last 10 calls, he is probably with Eleanor.. suddenly my door is opened i didnt look up 

-Em i would really apreciate a moment alone, right now i dont want to talk with you 

-well is a luck Im not Emily then- my mum said- what happened? 

-oh sorry mum, how was work? 

-dont change the subect Harold, what happened with Emily? 

-nothing- i said  

-dont lie to your mother 

-nothing mum, ust leave it 

-im not leaving anything- she said moving her hands around her head- tell me baby 

-i kissed her- i said in a whisper, but she heard it 


-mum! i kissed her! and she didnt...-i took a pilow and put it on my face- aaaaaagh!- i shouted with frustation 

- she didnt kissed you back- it wasnt a question it was a confirmation- Harry she is not like your other fans and you have to understand it 

And with that she went out of my room closing the door after her. I stayed there for a long time, my mother's words repeating in my head, after an hour or so after my phone rang 


-hi curly! why you called me so much?- Louis asked in the other end 

-Boo Bear i need to talk with you, could you go to my flat in an hour? 

-sure, are you ok? 

-yes, oh and Lou- i added before hanging up- please ask Ele to come as well. 

And with that i end the call and went downstairs. 

I found my mum and Emily in the tv room watching a boring girly film. 

-im leaving now, bye mum- i said from the door- goodbye Emily- i added with a harsh tone 

-bye hun- my mum answered, but emily didnt said anything, she instead looked at the floor and put her knees at her chest wrapping them with her hands.

*an hour after* 

I had been on my flat for some minutes and i was waitting fo Louis when there was a knock at the door i opened and found my bestfriend and his girlfriend there 

-Hi lou, hi El- i said letting them come in 

-hi harry- Eleanor answered politely 

-whats wrong curly? why you asked us to come?- louis asked, always directly to the point Lou... i sighed and walked towards the couch sitting there, they followed me and sitted opposite at me, Louis arm around her shoulder.  

-I have a problem 

-a girl problem?- louis asked i nodded 

-thats why i need you Ellii, i dont understand girls mind and you do because you are one 

-who are we talking about?- she asked confused 

-i wont say her name right now, i just, i dont know whats wrong with me, im mad with her all the time, he get on my nerves whith not doing anything! is frustating because she is so beautiful but i ruined things with her and she doesnt like me, and i kissed her but she.. 

-woaa woaa woah there!!!- eleanor said - you like her? like this time is seriously? not just another girl you want in your bed or something like that 

-no- i sighed- i actually like her, but i dont know why, she is not my usual type and her presence make me. ..make me.. aghhh i dont know it just frustate me 

-aww my hazza is in love- louis said playfully 

-this is serious love- Eleanor said looking seriously at him, and turning towars me she said- so you kissed her?- i nodded 

-and how was it?- Loui asked 

-babe, seriusly shut up- eleanor rolled her eyes- whats the problem with the kiss? 

-she didnt kissed me back 

-but she pushed you away? or simply stayed there doing nothing 

-shee did nothing, and the broke the kiss-she smiled, why was she smiling?thi is not something to smile about 

-she was just surprised Haz, she was probably not expecting it, just give her time and she'll love you  

-how can you know it?- louis asked as confused as me 

-girls thing, as Harry said just a girl would understand it


It was weird, it was the first night i slept in the house just with Anne, and even tough i love her, not having Harry around was really strange, i felt like something was missing, and i didnt liked that. 

Anne was on her room, talking in the phone with her husband while i was in my room, bored, my laptop infront of me, i sighed, i havent been on twitter since Niall uploaded that pic of us. 

I logged in and sgart reading some of my mentions, they were nothing extraordinary, ust a lot of questions about the boys, not hate no love just interes and i liked it like that. 

I cant tell when, but i felt asleep, and i had a dream, a good dream, it was Harry and me on the garden, he kissed me, bur instead of being shocked in my dream i kissed him back, it was so real i could felt his hot breath in my mouth, his lips brushing mine while he said" i love you".


hi ! sorry about this i know is really short but i was doing school project and i promised i was uploading today so... sorry really and i promise i'll upload again tomorrow or wensday! !

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