chapter 18

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I wake up scared. yup thats right, the only thing in my mind once i was concious again was fear; no i didnt had a nightmear, it was just that when i opened my eyes i was in my bed, i am pretty sure i felt asleep in the floor because i had cried so much i wasnt strong enough for moving to my bed, but i was in my bed, how? thats the best question ever... i have not idea.

I didnt felt like moving, it was saturday the air cold and i was tired, i knew i should came out of bed and downstairs to make breakfast, but i couldnt, my legs werent moving and the picture oh Harry's eyes when i ran away was too present making me feel like the worst person of the world. I was hoping not to think about it too much, and most of all not to think about the day, even tought i was more than concious that tomorrow was the day...Suddenly my door was slowly opened and i closed my eyes not wanting whoever it was to knew i was awake. I heard footsteps getting closer but i wasnt sure if it was Anne or. .. not it couldnt be him it had to be Anne, whoever it was droppped something in my desk and left the room closing the door.  

I opened my eyes again, slowly, making sure i was alone and like i was i went out of bed and closer to my desk, a flower was there and also a letter. i took it not really sure if i wanted to read it or not I was about to opened it when i heard the main door closing, the sound making me jump. I left the letter on the desk and went into the shower. 

Dont ask me how long i was in there, i left the hot drops to fell into my skin for a long time, relaxing my muscles, helping my mind no to think and at the same time to imagine what could had happened if i wasnt as dumb as i actually am. 

It was when i heard Anne shotuing that i went out of there and made my way downstairs as quickly as i could, dressing first of course. 

Once there i saw her she was hugging a men that i havent met before, or at least not in person,she was smiling and tears were forming in her eyes while he hugged her tight 

-Emily!- Anne exclamed when she saw me- let me introduce you to my husband, Robin- he said smiling and taking my hand so i was pulled closer 

-hi- i said shyly to him 

-its nice to finally meet you Emily this women havent talked about anything else since i left- that made me smile, i couldnt beleive i was so important for Anne 

-nice to meet you too, and please call me Em- i smiled he smiled back 

-Lets go and take breakfast!- Anne proposed and we did, we went to the kitchen and while i helped Anne making breakfast Robin asked 

-where´s Harry and Gemma?

-Gemma is at her flat, Harold left some minutes ago - she said the second part looking directly at me, and i couldnt evite but feel weak and ashamed, it was probably my fault

-really? and why he left?

-he said he had some things to do, but he´s living here for a while so you´ll see him at night 

Thank god apart from that Harry wasnt in our conversation , and the best of all i wasnt that included in the conversatione neither, the lovely couple was so interested in what happened in each others life while they werent together i was happy just hearing. I was the first one finishing my food and i washed my dishes before running upstairs not wanting to be between they after they havent seen each other in months. 

I went to my room and took my celohone that i had left at my desk but something fell with it, it was the letter.

I left out a big sigh before taking the white paper and with it in my hand and my celphone in my pocket i went to the garden. I sat in the soft grass, staring the paper, i knew i had to opened it and read it, but for some reason i didnt want to do so.

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