chapter 37

421 11 3

-wake up sleepy head- harry said shaking softly my arm

-hmm?- i grunted not opening my yees, i was way too confortable

- we have a long day today, we need to start the day before its late

-what time is iy'- i asked rubbing my eyes

-almost 1pm, you had a better night right'- he smiled i smiled back and nodded

-yeah, much better, and you?

-im fresh as a tomato! - i chuckled

- im hungry- i stated after going out of bed and searching between my clothes something to wear

- yeah me too, we can have breakfast on the way

-alright, i'll get changed- i smiled and went to the bathroom to put on my white sundress i havent wear, a pair of silver slippers and put the heart locket he had gave me , i put my hair in a bun and put on a white flower on my hair before going out.


- today is pretty hot- i commented when we were walking after having breakfast

- yeah more thna yesterday cause today im with you- he gave me a cheeky wink i giggled

-sure harold- i smiled- hey about yesterday..


-thank you for doing that, about the flowers you know, it meant a lot to all of them, and it means more to me, so yeah, thank you- i said shy looking to my feet , he took me by surprise taking my hand in his

- no problem at all, i like to see you as happy as yesterday - i blushed - hey look, we are already here!- he said happy pointing to the front leting my hand free, not gonna lie it fet weird not having his fingers between mine, it was like something was missing, but it couldnt be like thatr, because that would mean liam was right and i liked hary more of what i should, oh god in what are you putting yourself emily ? feelings for harry styles? for the super star on the most famous boy band' you are crazy Em, really really crazy, i looked to what harry was pointing, and inmediatly grinned

- the coliseum?- i asked excited even thought i knew it was it

-yup, a little bit of history from the best tour guide ever aka me?- he asked i chuckled

-sure, i cant wait- and we walked quickly to the building

- did you knew it is consider as the greatest work of the roman architecture?- he asked once we were going oit of the place, we had been walking at least an hour

-yeah i did, i do study at school you know?

-ok ok what about .. you knew it is also called Flavian amphitheatre ?

-yup once Annie told me, she loves history

-there has to be something you dont know- he said thinking hard i smiled he was so cute when he tried to think so hard - i know! did you knew the three leveles below are formed by 80 arches on pilasters?

-no , i actually didnt knew that

-yay!- he made a little "victory dance" and i giggled in that moment his phone rang-hello? oh hey mum! -he smiled- yeah we are having a great time; we are at the coliseum- he sighed- no mum we havent i was about to tell her about that actually- he stopped a second- yeah i'll tell her, thanks mum, love you too!- and he hunged- my mum wants me to tell you that she misses you a lot, and that she wants me to start doing what i had planned right now 

-and that is?-i asked confused 

-photoshoot!- he grinned  

- oh dear...- i giggled and he took out from i-dont-know-where his camera 

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