chapter 7

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It was a sunny morning, not that it was nothing, I mean we were in London , that doesn´t happen that much! but anyways it was sunny outside and I opened my eyes and felt good, I mean like it was a new start, I felt fresh, I don´t know how to explain it, but it was good.

I went out of the bed and took a quick shower, putting on a pair of dark jeans and a white shirt, I put my hair in a messy bun and left my face makeup free. I smiled at my reflect on the mirror and went downstairs.

I found at the kitchen two plates with breakfast and a note.

"morning guys, I went to the charity i'll be back at 3pm have a good time! - Mum"

I smiled at the nickname she had choosed, and took one of the plates which had 3 pancakes on it, they were still hot, meaning Anne hadn´t leaved a long time ago, I made a mental note to ask her about the charity and what she does there when she returns.

I sat on the high chair and started to eat my pancakes. Suddenly I felt someone hands in my shoulders

-Morning Em

-Hi Harry- I said looking at him, he smiled, his dimples being perfectly defined and his esmerald ayes shinning with the light.I looked away, I still didn´t liked him.

-How you slept?- he asked while taking his plate and sat next to me

-fine thanks and you?

-fine- he said - what are you doing today?

-well, I think I should start searching for school, I can´t spend a hole year doing nothing - he frowend- why?

-I was thinking about doing something today, you know just us, not the lads, I mean I want to know more about my sister- he said, I was surprised when I found myself a little disapointed, sister, that was all what I was for him, wait Emily what are you thinking? of course you are just a sister for him! delete any other way of thinking of your mind right now!you hate him, remember?

-well, hmm..- I said not really sure of what to actually said

-I know! why dont I go with you to search for schools and in the way you tell me more about you ! sounds good?

-yea sure- I said a little bit more excited of what I should.- but don´t you have anything to do today?- I tried to scape 

-no we have the day off- I nodded  smiling a little and we finished our breakfast in silence. I went to my room to brush my teeth and after a minnuter Harry was on my door

-may I come in?-he asked

-yuesh- I said with the brush on my mouth he chuckled

- are you ready?- he asked when I left it on my bathroom

-just have to look at the adress of some schools I like and then I'll be ready- he took my laptop and turned it on.

-password?- he asked

-Im not telling it to you!-I exclaimed 

-I know, but I had to try- he said amused, I took it from him and wrote my long password, he frowend, my desktop opened and he look at me raising one eyebrow- what's this?- he said pointing to my picture as wallpaper, I smiled, it was a picture of the lads, I was a fan I couldnt evite it, and the worst it wasn't just a picture, if you are a fan for sure you have seen the picture where they touch each other ass.... yeah that was my picture, ooops?? not really

-i-it's nothing- I answered blushing a little

-yea sure- he said grinning at me, I as quickly as I posibly could took a picture of the map of the three schools I liked and power it off.- ready? he asked

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