chapter 30

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I slowly opened my eyes and smiled  to the silence around me, it was almost 10am and i didnt wanted to leave the warm of my bed, i look to the night table to find my phone and the piece of paper i have been writting before sleeping. i took the paper and read

day 2

train to dublin  (Harry gave me two more pendants for my bracelete)  and from there, car ride to Mullingar with Christian, seeing Niall´s old house, cinema with Harry, and pop corns with chocolate!!

i had just finished Reading when there was a knock on the door

-come in !- i said loud enough for whoever was on the other side to hear me

-morning em !- a happy Harry said entering to my room, his hair was wet making his curls look absolutly adorable, he was wearing a simple White shirt and jeans with a pair of supras

-good morning Harry - i smiled

-did you slept well?- he asked sitting at my side

-yup, and you?

-yeah pretty good, niall didnt mentioned Christian snores tought - i chuckled and he smiled at me - so do you want to know todas plans?

-please tell me we are not leaving Mullingar, i love it here

-nop we arent leaving, well not until the night anyways- i sighed i love travelling but it can be really tyring no question why the guys are always a Little moody after tour

-so what are we doing then?

-im not telling you - he grinned

-what?! Harry!! that isnt fair!!

-im just telling you that you have to wear what gemma put on the plastic bag, or at least she said she had put it there- i rolled my eyes and went out of  the bed to open my bag and take out the plastic bag before opening it. I took out a white shirt and a pair of old shorts

-this?- i asked he nodded

-when you are done dressing and all your girl stuff come down im going to do breakfast

-alright- i smiled , he went out of my room and closed the door after him , i look down to the clothes in my hands, why on earth gemma would choose that? she is a fashion girl and this is all except from fashionable, they were my most old clothes, i usually wear them to do housework with my sister or to paint , i sighed and went to the bathroom to take a shower


I was doing the breakfast when Christian arrived

-good morning- he said stillñ half asleep taking out some milk of the fridge

-morning - answered with a smile

- where´s Em ?- i couldnt stop the pang of jealousy on my stomach , why was he calling her Em ? they werent friends! i was the only who called her em instead of Emily!

-upstairs getting ready

-what are you guys doing today?- he asked not that interested

-you wont tell her?- i asked he shook his head- promise?

-promise!- he said

-im taking her to a painting war - i said grinning he looked confused

-what? thats the least romantic thing i have ever hear of

-romantic?- i asked , who had mentioned romance?

-if you want that girl on your bed you should take her to a expensive dinner no  a war - he said still confused

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