chapter 24

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I opened the eyes and was scared for a moment, i wanst in my bed, neither in my room, and there were two arms wrapped around me. i turned to look at that guy with perfect curls, dimples and green eyes sleeping at my side. His arms were thightly wrapped around my waist and i couldnt stop the smile in my lips. i tried to move one of his arms so i could go downstairs and tell Anne i wasnt going to school today, even tough i was sure she already noticed that, it was almost 10.00 am. But when my fingers touched his warm skin he inmediatly opened the eyes and looked at me his confusion lasted for a second and then he smiled

-morning- he said with his slow and amazing morning voice

-good morning- i answered smiling back

-did you slept well?- more than that! of course i was not going to tell him that so i judt nodded he gave a slow kiss to my forehead and i was invaded by a confortable feeling of protection.

-today will be a long day you know? - he said after a minute of silence

-really? why? - i asked we havent moved a single finger from our wake up position his arms still wrapped around me, his face inches apart from mine and his messy curls all spread in his pillow.

-well i wont be with you and you have to pack for the best holidays of your life- that made me smile but before i could answer there was a knock in the door and Gemma shouted

-i know you are both in there and you better have clothes on cause im entering!- and without another second she entered i tried to scape from Harry's warm contact but he just pulled me closer- im glad eveerything is fine with you- she pointed to us- but mum made breakfast and we still have a cake to eat, plus if you dont mind lover boy as she missed school today im stealing her and we are going to watch movies in mine- this time when i pulled away of him he let me go and gave me a cheeky grin i went out of the bed and sat on the edge

-we'll be downstairs in a minute- he promised

-dont waste time lovebirds- she semi sanged making me blush, we werent lovebirds! were we?- she closed the door after her and i was about to leave when he took my wrist and pulled me towards the bed again

-harry i have to go

-but i'll be cold- he pouted, he looked so inoccent and little when he made that face- i want you to sleep with me

-harold you better let go my hand because other way i wont sleep with you ever again- he left my wrist inmediatly and i chuckled

-dont call me harold- he said serious then grinned at me in his most cheeky was- and like i let you preaper yourself for sleeping in the same bed as this superstar for a whole travel- i rolled my eyes and left the room with a quick move.

I wasted no time in showering and dressed myself with a pair os skinny jeans and a red shirt, i put on a pair of earing a long necklace and the bracelete that Harry had given me yesterday.

I couldnt beleive all what had happened in just one day, my birthday of that year was absolutly the longest day of my life, and at the end i have to admit one of the best too.

After looking at myself in the mirror i went downstairs, all the Styles family was already there eating a breakfast that smelled wonderful and laughing about somethin Gemma just said, hearing Harry laughing like that made me smile, i dont know why, it just that action was sweet and more likely a real person and not the untouchable idol he had always been for me.

I came into the kitchen and said morning to everyone thhey smiled back and Anne showed me where she had left my food, i put some milk in a glass and started eating with them.

It was a nice meal and we had a good, calmed time, at the end Anne took out my cake and we ate a slice each, i have to tell you it was the best cake ever! and not just because it was for me or because i was with those four people that i always loved so much,apart from that it was really delicious .

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