chapter 26

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-Harryyyyy!!!!- i heard Emily shouting for me i ran as fast as i could to her room, for the tone she had screamed with she probably had hurted herself or something

-whats wrong?- i asked scared entering to her room, her back was to me she was looking throw her clothes

-oh, nothing is wrong- she smiled

-then why you screamed like that??

-i just need help, what should i wear for the concert?- i rolled my eyes... girls

-i tought you were ready we have to leave in 20 minutes!

-i know! thats why im asking for help! i have never been into any concert and have not idea of what to wear!

-wait what? you never went to any concert?

-no but thats not the point i need clothes!- she said desesperated i rolled my eyes and went to her closet looking throw her clothes, i choosed a pair of skinny black trousers and a blue shirt that seemed comfortable enough i also took a pair of black high heels and gave them to emily

-thank youuuuu- she sang in my ear

-youre welcome now hurry!- she ran to change while i rolled my eyes it was obvious she was more than happy she had been pretty overactive since i picked her from school what was strange she was always really tired after school. I then looked to her laptop she had left it open, i came closer and look what she had been doing, her tumblr was open and her itunes i quickly wrote in my phone her tumblr account and look at her fave songs before closing them. I then was shocked with her desk photo, she had changed it since last time i saw it, before it was a one direction picture, now it was my photgraph, one of the ones she had take in our trip to the london eye, i wasnt looking at her, i was smiling to Louis that was some meters at her left and couldnt be seen on the picture, i smiled at the memory and turned off her computer turning just in time to see her standing in front of me. My jaw dropped, she looked amazing, she looked taller than usual and the never leaving smile she was wearing made it all better

-you look amazing

-thank you- she blushed

-ready to go?- i asked she nodded and like that we went into the car and towards the concert.


i couldnt hide my excitement, hey we were talking about an ed sheeran concert!! i think i made harry to have a headache because when he parked the car he quickly went out of the car

and opened my door i smiled at him thnakful and we started to walk towards the entrance to the vip section, we had tickets in an area where there were no screaming girls which was sad cause i wanted to meet fans but also was really good cause there werent girls trying to kill harry. We sat in our places waitting for the concert to start, i looked around us to the thousands of girls screaming to ed and smiled the energy of the audience was contagious and if i was already happy in that moment nothing could make my smile dissapeared. Harry kept glaring at me, like if he couldnt beleive i was a fangirl, but i didnt cared, i was to happy singing to the songs they had put while ed came to stage and looking to every single detail around me, the girls, the mothers, the stage, the guitars and piano, the lights, the big screens everything amazed me and when the lights were out and a ginger guy came out to stage i couldnt stop myself from shouting and crying ad any other fan


i was staring at her from my seat, she was singing to every single word Ed sang, she was shouting, smiling and also crying and i was amazedd by her. She was like any other girl in the world in so many ways but she also was so special and unique, when my friend started saying bye to all her fans from the stage and took his guitar i moved from my position and went to Emilys side, she looked at me her eyes were red from crying but she had an stunning smile

-liked it?- i asked even when i knew the answer

-loved it!- i smiled

-lets go to tell him then- i took her hand and we walked towards the back of the stage where my old friend was

-hey Ed!- i greated from the distance he turned to look at us a bottle of water in his lips he nodded at us as reply and kept drinking we went closer my hand never leaving emilys little one-nice performance- i congratulated him

-thanks dude,do you really enjoyed it?

-oh yes, i did, im not sure if em liked it or not she cried the whole time- he chuckled but em gave me a death stare

-its just because i love your songs- she told ed- but i loved it!! it was amazing i have no way of thanking you

-oh you dont have to thank me, im glad you liked it

-i bet you are exahusted- em commented

-yes i feel like dying any moment now

-well then we'll leave you rest,see you soon bro- i gave him a man hug and let emily said goodbye

-goodbye Ed, thank you for everything

-no problem Em! see you after your trip so you can tell me about it-she smiled

-sure thing- we waved once again to him and left the place for good.

Before we had arrived emily was already sleeping as a baby, when i parked the car i didnt wanted to wake her knowing how tired she was so i carried her to her room, i layed her on her bed and took out her shoes, she slowly opened her eyes

-shhhh go back to sleep- i whispered in her ear taking a strand of hair from her face she yawned i put the covers around her and gave a sweet kiss to her forehead, before turning off the light i looked once again to her, she was sleeping again, but the smile on her face was as beautiful as when she was awake.


is just me or it had been ages since i last wrote in Harrys POV?? anyways i am done with exams so you can wait for more chapters really soon, hope you liked it and PLEASE dont forget to vote and comment

sorry for any type of mistakes; love you all



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