chapter 13

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I wake up with the soft sound of a guitar playing and the sweet smell of breakfast, i opened my eyes and left my confy bed to go and take a quick shower. I put on clean clothes, choosing a pair of jeans and a orange top. 

I braid my hair and put on my shoes before going downstairs. 

I entered to the Kitchen Anne was alone there sitting in a highchair with a cup of coffee in her hand 

-good morning Anne- i said smiling at her 

-hi lovely, did you spend a good night? 

-yes thank you, and you? 

-yes - she smiled- breakfaste is there- she said pointing towards a plate in the table 

-thank you- i took the plate and sat infront of her - how was yesterday with your friends?- i asked interested, Anne and I had been good friends lately, a month with her had given me a lot of fun time and i discovered she was an amazing women with interesting stories to tell everytime you want. 

-good!- she answered happy- i saw a lot of friends i havent seen in a while, we were a big group when i was in high school- she said smiling at me- and how was your day yesterday hmm? 

-fine- i said smiling to myslef 

-you were with Harold werent you? 

-yup, we went to his flat and watched movies - i said noddig 

- i didnt heard you arriving... 

-we arrived and directly went to sleep- i lied, before sleeping he had been in my room, and i knew i couldnt hide it anymore, i just couldnt be harsh with him, he was adorable and perfect, i had to be polite with him and accept that he might be different from what i think 

-oh.. well i think you should hurry before you are late for school- i nodded but i wasnt that glad of going to school... i ate my last beat of bread before hurring up took my books and shouted to Anne 

-im leaving, see ya! 

-bye Em! good luck!- she shouted back i went out and i was taking out my ipod for hearing it while walking to school when a hand stopped me  

-where the hell you think you are going?- he asked with a harsh tone 

-good morning to you too Harry- i rolled my eyes 

-sorry... morning Em, where are you going?- i smiled aproving the change of tone 

-normal people as me usually go to school... im not famous and i have to study if i want to enter to university next year 

-and you are.... walking?- i rolled my eyes again 

-yes ! and i'll be late if i keep talking 

-i can drive you there- he offered- im free today  

-i cant.. 

-oh shus lets go- he took my wrist and pulled me to his car that was parked some meters away. we entered and he drove me to school, he tried to talk with me but i was thinking about something else so i didnt help him much 

-why are you so distracted? 

-sorry- i said not wanting to answer his question- what were you saying? 

-that a friend invited me and the lads to a costumes party this friday an well, and its a couples party because theres going to be dancing competition or something like that... so i was hopping that maybe , maybe you could go i mean you would like to go with me?- he asked shyly,shyly? that was new on him! i liked it he was cute when he was shy, i smiled at him, in that moment we stoppped infront of the school, i took my things and opened the door, before going out i answered 

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