chapter 28

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While we ran out of there i had time to read a big sign that said "waterford airport" making me get more confused, dont think im an ignorant but i have not idea of what could actually be in that place not having heard about it before, when it came to geography i sucked

-umm harry?


-where are we going?

-nu-uh, rule number one never ask were im taking you- i rolled my eyes

-alright- i kept following him until we got in a taxi

-copuld you take us to the train station please?- he asked to the driver the man nodded and we started to move, harry grinned at me- you wont ask where are we going?

-no because you wont answer

-how smart- he chuckled, i didnt felt like talking so i just watched the people walking outside, we didnt saw the sea even toguht i knew we were near to it, and after a while the driver stopped the engine and we went down of the car. harry payed to the man and took our things from the back before taking my hand and walking to the train station

You probably are asking youself how the hell i packed for a two weeks trip when i had no idea of where i was going, well before i continue i should tell you i didnnt packed my things, Anne and Gemma were so excited with Harrys idea of surprising me they had packed, obviously asking harry about all his plans, it was kind of frustarting, they knew, tha lads knew, Eleanor and Danielle knew, everyone knew except from me.

He bought two tickets for a place i couldnt heard the name of and after some minutes our train arrived, we went into it and found our seats harry sitting across me, for our luck we were alone

-hmm harry?- i asked

-1 hour and 30 minutes aproximatly- he answered

-what?- i asked amused slightly chuckling

-werent you going to ask how long it would take us to arrive?

-emmm... not exactly- i laughed he opened his mouth to say something but not words came out awkwardly closing it again making me chuckle more- i actually wanted to know why are we doing this

-what do you mean?

-i mean why you suddenly want to travell with me?

-to make your dreams come true- he said simply

-that makes no sense, you dont know what i dream with- he grinned

-maybe i do


After half an hour of just chatting she just watched out of the window, i took my phone out to answer a message that had just arrived, it was from Niall

"hey dude hows it going?"

"great! she seems really happy you should had seen her face when she discovered we were on your land"

" oh i actually saw her! there are some pics on twitter hehe, hope everthing keeps that way! say hi to her from me :)"

i went into twitter to see a lot of pictures of me in the Waterford airport, there were also some pics of Emily with me and talking to Evelyne, i retweeted one i loved of them that said "seems like Emily is also beautiful in the inside" a second after Em's phone vibrated on her pocket i looked up at her


-what?- she asked confused

-i tought you had no twitter on your phone?

Being a Styles (completed) *editing*Where stories live. Discover now