chapter 41

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-good morning- i smiled to the curly haired boy sitting on the bed, i just came out of the shower to find him there with my phone on his hand

-morning- he smiled

-what are you doing with my phone?

-uh.. nothing...- he said

-yah sure- i rolled my eyes and took my phone from him-how are you feeling?

-much better, i think we can go out today

-you sure?

-yeah, why not

-im not sure haz, i dont want you getting worse

-what if we stay here the morning and then go out to what i have planned?-he pouted

-alright then - i smiled and he did the same

-so did you sleep well?- he raised an eyebrow

-yeah- i grinned, how couldnt i? he had hugged me the whole time

-and you?

-better than ever, i like you taking care of me you know- his dimples showed again, he was very smiler today

- dont get used to it

-i think i actually want to get used

-go and take a shower you cheeky boy

-you'll join me?

-of course not- i laughed he rolled his eyes

-you will let me alone on the shower? and what if i faint?

-i think you can survive this one alone, im going to phone annie and your mum to let them know you are better

-you told my mum i was sick?

-well.. yeah.. i was worried!- he rolled his eyes again

- she's probably dying of worries right now

-thats why i'm calling her-i shot back

-alright alright, no need to be so agressive-i laughed and he went to the shower.

-hey annie!

"hello sis, how's harry doing?"

-better actually, he wants to go i dont know were today, but im not so sure about it

"if he feels like he can, let him"

-but if he gets sick again,- i asked nervous

"he wont"

-how are you so sure?

"he has you" i chuckled" i better go Matt is here"

-oh sure leave your sister on the phone and go get kiss your boyfriend- i rolled my eyes

"thats exactly what im gona do, love ya!" and with that she hunged i sighed and dialed Anne's number


-hi anne,its em

"oh hi dear! how are you? how is harry? is he worst? does he need me?"

-im fine, and he is better, much better actually

"im so glad to hear that"

We kept talking on the phone for what seemed hours until a hand took my phone

-mum i love you but im hungry so she'll call you later-harry said on the phone-yes yes i'll tell her, bye mum


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