chapter 28 part 2

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A/N: i noticed last chapter was really short and like i love you guys and this seems to be my best story i deceided to write a little bit more today so enjoy!! ps= sorry for any type of mistakes


after an hour or so in the rock of cashel we deceided to go to our hotel both of us being totally exahusted from walkin up that beautiful place, we took the bus because harry was sure it would takes us to the hotels street. Not gonna lie to you i was pretty impressed with harry, he hadnt just search about the place we were going to be, he also had learned things he knew wee interesting for me, for being our first day i was loving it. Not that long after we came down to a stop and we saw the little hotel in front of us, it was just a little place, 5 floors, it didnt seem all stylish and expensive it looked more like a familiar place were you could rest, we walked to the front desk and with just saying his name the women gave harry a key of the room he had reserved. we went into the lift, our room being in the last floor, when it stopped he let me out first and then we searched for the number 56 that our key had

-here it is!- i told harry going towards the door in the right of the corridor some feet away from the lift he smiled and opened the door; the room was bigger on the inside of what it actually looked, it was simple, confortable and i just felt happy , there were two single beds in the middle , a little couch in a crner and a tv, a desk with some water bottles and papers and a door to a little bathroom

-this is beutiful- i whispered more to myself, but harry heard

-im glad you like it, i dont really like big hotels, too much noise in the morning, and i wasnt sure if you would mind or not sharing bed with me so i searched for a room with two beds and this one seems nice so yeah..- he was nervously playing with his hai while he talked, i smiled at him

-you are incredible haz, thank you- i gave a quick peck to his cheek and ran to the bathrrom, i needed to change my clothes plus i hadnt pee since the morning

-are you hungry?- he asked once i was out

-a little- i nodded

-im asking for room service, what would you like?

- whatever, i can eat most like everything, just dont give me octopus or squid and we are good- he smiled and gave me a short nod before taking the phone that was at the night table between the two beds.

i am not sure if i was actually starving or those sandwiches he had asked for were actually more than good, we finished eating really fast while we chatted a little, i liked to talk with harry, he was nice, funny and cheeky, that last one some times was the most prominent but i was little by little liking that too, he was a great guy, the look he had was just a plus, i was sure he could be the most ugly lad on the world and he could either way make anyone to love him, because that was harry.

we were watching a terribe tv show i cant even remember the name of when y phone started to rang


-how my little sister doing?- annies voice said in my ear

-hi annie, im fine what about you?

-im really fine, hey could you tell me where the hell are you?

-uh.. at a room?- i asked confused she laughed

-dont be stupid! i saw pictures of you with harry today, i know you said you were travelling with him but where are you?

-oh ! im in a town hmm.. give me a minute- iturned to look to harry- harry where are we?

-is that your sister?


-say hi to her from me, and we are in tipperary , i told you when we arrived!

-sorry i keep forgeting is a funny name tought- i giggled making him rolled his eyes and turn again to the tv

-em?- my sister asked on the phone

-sorry, we are at tipperary, somewhere on ireland, oh and harry says hi

-ireland? oh god wow! have you seen anything interesting?

-yes! we went to this beautiful castle today, you would love it , it is really old and theres a story about it, i loved it !

-im glad, i have to leave you, be really careful Em, and tell harry i said hi too and thanks for bring you with him, love you sis!

-love you too !!- we hunged up and i sat back at the couch opposite to harry

-she says hi and thank you for bring me with you- he smiled

-no problem- there was an awkward silence for too long, the tv was still on but i couldnt pay much atenttion to it, after a while harry went to the shower and i stayed in the room alone, i opened my bag for the first time, noticing all type of clothes, i wasnt really sure why so many clothes but i sighed in relief when i saw they hadnt forget to pack some essential things, i took a paper from the desk and a pen and i started to write

first day

We arrived from london to waterford airport, i met a really nice girl there her name is Evelyne, then we ran to the train station and took one of those machines towards Tipperary, is a really nice place, but the best is that harrry took me to The rock of cashel, i loved it, the grass is really green, and the old construction makes me feel like in a fairytale.

-what are you doing?- harry asked coming out of the bathroom, his wet hair looked really hot, he was wearing just his pajamas pants giving me the perfect view of his chest

-uhm.. i- i took a deep breath to control myself - i'm writting what we did today, just so you know, i dont forget

-like a diary?- he asked

-kind of, im not good with diaries, i tried to write one more than once, epic fail, i forget about them, lose them- i shuggred - im not goood with that kind of thing he chuckled, i smiled before yawing

-tired?- he asked amused

-nah just a little

-then go to sleep. tomorrow will be another tirying day - i smiled i took my pajamas from the bag and went to the bathroom, i brushed my teeth and my hair before going out, harry was laying on his back in one of the beds, his celphone in his hands

-what are you doing ?- i asked

-a diary- he answered i chuckled

-do not copy me!- i played he smiled i went to teh other bed and layed there the soft covers wrapping me , he turned off the light and i heard his phone goig off



-for future references, you mind sleeping with me?

-no- i answered sinceresly- i already slept with you once- i whispered remembering the night i had accept to travel with him

- i know- there was a long silence before he said- good night emily

-good night harry - and with that our eyes closed


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