chapter 20

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When we went into the circle of grass my heart stopped, it was really an amazing place, it was special, and it wasnt just because harry had showed it to me, or just becasue it was special to the Style's no.. it had something, it was like magic.

once i put one feet in there i felt clamed, relaxed, happy. And for the first time in my life i was glad it was my birthday, and i was glad harry was with me.

I turned and looked at him, he was staring at me

-is this enough

-more that whatever i could ask for- i said my voice broking at the end

-do you want hmm.. to be.. you know.. on your own? or do you want some comapny?- he asked nervous i tried to smile but i faded, those were the exactly words my sister had told me when Kristen , my friend, died because of cancer. i remember it allo really clear. I was in my bedroom when the phone rang...



-e-emily?- i heard a familiar voice crying in the other side of the line

-michael? is you? w-whats wrong? w-why you call?- i asked scared of the answer, micheal was Krsiten's boyfriend, i always admired their relation, they were perfect for each other, and their love was strongest than anyone else.

-e-emily, she...- i heard him sobbing before he could end the phrase- she left us- i didnt need to hear another word i knew exactly what that meant, she was gone, my only friend , the onlyone who had made me smile after my parents died, the onlyone who made me laugh and feel like things could somehow be alright will never be at my side again. i couldnt answer to him, my mind remembering all the moments i passed with her making me cry, when i managed to say some words all what i could said was

-she really loved you, michael, she really did

-i know,i love her too- he answered before crying harder and we hunged up

-emily are you alrigth?- my sister asked after i been crying for more than an hour the memories never stopping to flow throw my mind

-she's gone.- i whispered, but she heard and knew what i was talking abaout, kristen had cancer since some years ago but never told me until she was in critical state; i inmediatly felt her arms wrapped around me trying to shwed me that she was there, and she was going to support me throw the hard moment, as she always had. She hugged me for a long time and i just kept letting all my emotions flow throw my eyes until i received a message in my phone, i saw the name in the screen, it was kristen's mum, and i wasnt strong enough to open and read it so i just gave my phone to my sister and she read it for herself.

-her ceremony will be in an hour, you should change your clothes-she said sweetly to me, trying to make me feel less bad and not let my tears to come again after i had finally stopped them somehow- do you want to be.. you know.. on your own? or do you want some company?- she asked worried

-i need some time- i asked trying not to make her feel bad

-alright- she answered and gave a kiss to my forehead before leaving the room

*end flashback*

he seemed to noticed i had remembered something because he was worried now

-im sorry Em, i didnt wanted to

-no no, its okay harry, can you stay with me please- i asked shy a tear scaping from my eye thinking on kristen and my parents in just one day

-of course i can stay, i will be always at your side if you need me emily- he said taking my chin up and taking out my tear with his thumb, and fro some reason that broke all my emotions, i felt weak and just let all thetears i always contain to flow, they felt and felt and felt throw my checks and harry hugged me thigh, my head hidding in his strong chest, his chin on top of my head. The best of harry is that he didnt tried to say something as stupid as "im sorry" i've herad that too many times in my life, but he didnts said so, instead he just rubbed my back in circles making me calm down. when i had been crying for some good 30 minutes i felt tired and he noticed it

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