chapter 29

494 11 7

-wake up! wake up!- a voice said in my ear 

-hmmmm?- i groan 

-wake up! we are going to lose the train!- harry semi shouted at me before running to the bathroom and close the door; i jumped from the bed and towards my clothes.

-HARRY?!- i shouted 

-WHAT?- he shouted back 

-Where are we going !? i need to know what to wear!!

-is a 3 hours trip in train so use something confortable and stop shouting before someone comes and shut us!!!

-aghhhh- i said annoyed, im not a really morning person , it is just 10am and i need breakfast, i took a pair of pants and a simple shirt with a pair of my fave vans before knocking on the bathroom- can you hurry?- i asked

-im done- he said coming out i rushed pass him and took a shower in record time before quickly dress myself in the clothes i had choose, i brushed my hair and came out

- ready for breakast?

-yup- i nodded, took my phone, and followed harry to the hotel´s restaurant

we ate some eggs with bacon , toast and orange juice, it was pretty good taking on count im not the biggest fan of eggs, we didnt ate that fast and i was glad for it, there is nothing i hate more than feeling full for eating in a rush, we chatted a little, harry seemed extra tired and i asked myself why it was, once we were done we returned to the room to take our things and came down, there was a car in the door waitting for us

- go to the car, i´ll be there in a minnute- he said i nodded and went to the car while harry finished signing papers on the front desk, after no more than five minutes he was sitting in the back of the car next to me

-to where sir?- the driver asked harry , it was so funny to hear someone call him sir 

-to the train station please- he answered before looking at me with a tired smile. 

This time the train we were in was a little bit more crowded, but i didnt mind that much, harry and i still were apart from them and it was nice, harry was sitting in the window, and i smiled at him 

-you look tired, didnt slept well?- he shook his head 

-im not really good sleeping in other place if its not my house- i smiled

-what exactly do you do on tour?

-thats different, i am so tired that i dont really care where i am- i chuckled and turned my atenttion to the window

-em? emily? emily!!- he said 

-uh?? oh sorry day dreaming- he chuckled

-yeah i noticed

-what were you saying again?

-that i have something for you 


-give me your wrist - i extended my hand not actually knowing what he was going to do, he then took out from his back pocket two shining pendants and with a lot of care he put them in the chain he had gave me, next to the cake shaped one, once he finished putting them on i moved my wrist closer to look at them- this is for ed and cher- he said signaling one that was a microphone- and this one is for the castle - he siad while taking the little silver cross between his fingers

-thank you harry- i smiled to the chain, i hadnt take it off since i put it that night, that for now that moment felt like years ago- thank you so much- i felt like crying but instead of that i gave a kiss to harry´s cheek he smiled- you know you probably should go to sleep, you really look tired

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