chapter 38

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A/N: just letting you know guys there are 5 chapters left and like i havent received any comment about if i should or not do a sequel im not doing one, at least for now, love you guys!!!!

PS= chapter dedicated to @nimsaj1 for the amazing cover she did !!! 


-I am bored, we have been hours in this plane! - I said, and it was literal, 10 flipping hours and we haven’t arrived, all I could see was sea

-if you sleep it would be faster

-I can’t sleep!- I answered to harry- i am excited to know where we are going- he smiled

-You´ll love it- i smiled even more “that´s not difficult I love every single place you take me cause im with you” 

-What?- he asked surprised eyes wide open. Shit shit shit did I said that out loud?

-What what? - I played the dumb card 

-what did you just said¡

-I said nothing- I frowned looking at him weird shit I really have to stop saying things out loud

-yeah you said something- he said sure looking at me suspiciously – something about you loving the places I take you?- he raised his eyebrow 

-I think the hours up here are starting to make you imagine things Haz , but I do loved all the places we have been into – I smiled sweetly at him and he smiled back still looking suspicious, we stayed quiet for some minutes- how long till we land?- I asked again

-Just go to sleep already Emily- he said rolling his eyes

-But planes are not even a little bit comfortable- I pouted he laughed

-you are worse than Louis sometimes- I smiled shyly- come here – he patted his shoulder and I rested my head on his shoulder and hugged his arm as a teddy bear he chuckled – good night Em- he left a kiss on my forehead and seconds later all the tiredness of my body won making me drift of to sleep.


-look at them! I totally ship them together!

-I know they are so cute!

-do you think they are already dating on secret?

-I don’t know but I hope they are- some strangers voices woke me up, I slowly opened my eyes to find 3 girls pointing their cameras to me and Harry, his head was resting on top of mine, i moved a little opening more my eyes and harry also woke up

-what’s wrong?- he asked looking worried at me – I pointed with my head to the 3 girls who were looking at us in shock that we woke up and found them looking at us- oh- he said then sat up properly and smiled at them- hello girl 

-Hey- one said 

-How are you? - He asked 

- Amazing thanks and you? - The second one asked 

-Really good- he smiled they were probably dying inside 

-we just wanted to let you know we are about to land- the third one say rolling her hair with one finger, if she was trying to flirt with harry she didn’t succeed 

-Oh well thank you very much- I smiled at them 

-Can I ask you something?- the second one asked shyly looking at both of us 

-sure love – harry answered 

-Are you two dating already?- already? Why would she even think we were dating? 

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