chapter 14

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I cant put in words what i felt when i saw him smiling at me

-what are you doing here?- i asked a dumb smile still on my lips

-waitting for you obviously, it took you your time to came out

-you didnt got attacked by crazy girls?

-nop i was hidden in my car, are you coming?- he motioned to the car i got in the passanger seat and he closed the door after me and ran to the other side- so how was school?- he asked starting to drive

-you sund like my sister- i chuckled- im not complaining it wasnt that bad, as always

-yeah i know how's that

-dont you miss school?

-sometimes... yes i dont miss homework or exams but i do miss my friends you know- i nodded

-and how was your day?

-oh it was hmmm how to say it... interesting


-yup i went shopping with mum

- oh that explains it-i smiled at him and he smiled back

-you dont want to know what i bought?- he asked cheekily

-do i want to?

-yes you do

-ok what did you bought Harry?

- my costume for this friday!!!! - he said extra excited making me laugh

-you are too loud, maybe a time far from Louis would help you Haz- his facial ezpression changed completly being serious instead of cheeky- did i said something wrong? you know i dont mean you being away from Lou right?- i asked worried he shooked his head making his curls to fly everywhere around his face

-no of course you didnt- he smiled - is just the fact is the second time you call me Haz instead of Harry- he looked at me from the corner of his eyes, i blushed- why are you blushing?- he asked amused

- i dont know- i said blushing even more i looked out of the window we were arriving to the house, that had been one of the reasons i choosed that school, i didnt had to walk long distances and i could sleep some minutes more in the morning.

when he stopped the car we went out of it and walked to the house

-let me help you- he said taking my bag with the school books- i'll put it on your room he said smiling at me

-thank you- i said blushing for the seond time in the last minutes. he ran upstairs and i went to tthe kitchen to find Anne cooking

-Hi Anne

-Hello Em dear, how was school

-as always, do you need help?

-could you put everything in the table so we can eat please?

-sure - i said while already taking out 3 plates - how was shopping?- i asked

-so he told you.... it was fine, he is worst than Gemma, he tried on like 20 different costumes before cho

-MUM!- Harry interrupted her- do not tell her embarasing stories about me!- Anne rolled her eyes and i laughed

- well at the end he did choose a costume, so now we have to search one for you

-yes i think i have.

The rest of the evening was normal, we ate together and talked for a while, after that i went to my room to start doing homework and i heard Harry in his room playing the guitar the same song as this morning. I was about to finish drawing homework ( yes i have lots of homework of drawing... ) when there was a knock in my door

-come in!- i said not looking up from the paper i had infront

- hey what are you doing- Harry asked sitting in my bed

-homework- i answered simply

-oh... and you need help?

- no thanks i'm about to finish- i answered

- am i interrupting you? do you want me to leave?

-no it's i dont need that much concentration for this- after some seconds of silnce he asked

-do you know what character you'll be this friday? i mean your costume

-nop, i have not idea

- maybe you could ask any friend to help you choose it- he proposed, i tensed a little bit, i wish i had friends for that

-no its ok i can deal with it he look at me surpprised not beleiving my words but didnt asked further and instead asking

-dont you want to know which costume i bought so we are combined you know..

-your mum's right, when it comes to fashion you are worst than a girl- i chuckled

-i have to keep an image- he played making me laugh more- but seriously you dont want to know?- i closed my draw notebook and looked at him

-it's not importnat- i said rolling me eyes" because you'll look as a god anyways" i tought

-ok i wont tell you

-ok ok tell me


-ugh you are baby..

-guess!- he sa

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