chapter 16

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A/N: this chapter is dedicated to @ediblenialler and to @bowtiesarewho love you dorks

It was finally friday and i was really excited, i havent seen Harry again but i had talked with him more than twice at day. I was trying to concentrate on what the teacher was saying, but for the first time since i arrived to this city all what i was wanting was to hear the final bell rang and ran oyt of there. 

I started counting the minutes until it rang, i ran out of the clasroom winning a glare from some of the guys; but i didnt cared when i crossed the main door of the building i found a car waitting for me, i smiled at Danie and Ele that were waitting for me and went to the car, i sat in the back seat 

-hi girl! - i said happily 

-hi Em- Dani answered 

-someone is in the best mood arent you?- Ele said giving me a smile 

-course i am! 

-we already went to yours your costume is in the back- Dani informed me 

-fantastic! thank you ! 

We drove to Dani's flat and entered each of us with a bag on the hand and our costumes there. We were entering to the place when my phhone rang 


-hi lovely- Harry's voice said making me smile as a dumb- how was your day? 

-fine thanks and your? 

-fine and it will be better in some hours-he said cheeky making me blush plus Dani and Ele were making" kissing" faces making me feel more ashamed even tought i chuckled a little about them- you already with the gurls? 

-yup, they are here we are at Dani's already 

-well i wont interrupt you, i'll pick you up there at 8 ok? 

-ok- i said happy 

-see yo soon beauty 

-bye Haz- i said and hunged up; instantanly both cracked up- what?- i asked looking at them 

-you blush really easily- ele laughed i rolled my eyes before smiling 

-oh shut up! 

-when is he picking you up? 

-at 8  

-uggh why Harry likes to be punctual... it gives us less time 

-when are the boys coming for you?- i asked to both 

-at 9- thay answered in unison i nodded and we went to the couch and sat there and talked for aa long time. 

It is so easy to have a good time with them, laugh and talk, that we didnt noticed how many time we had lost until it started to get dark 

-shit- Dani cursed 

-language!- i played she laughed 

-im sorry mumy- he smiled at me- but its late Harry will be here in an hour!- she said desesperated 

-ok! emergency! you first we have an hour more!- ele said already taking out her makeup, and god she had makeup it was like the store had been put on her bag. 

And like that they started to work on my face, normally i would complain but it was nice knowing they cared about how i looked. 

-so do you still like Harry?- dani asked while putting eyeliner on my right eye 

-yes- i sighed 

-why sighing?- ele asked bruhing my hair 

- because i shouldnt like a pop star like him 

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