chapter 15

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Next day i opened my eyes when someone entered to my room i turned to look at who it was 

-i'm sorry i didnt wanted to wake you- Harry said ashamed he was already dressed and had something hidden on his back 

-dont worry, anyways i have to go to school soon 

-could you close your eyes and make like you are still asleep for a minute?- i laughed but turned and closed my eyes, i heard his careful steps coming closer to my bed and i heard he left something on my bed table, but when i felt his soft lips in my check i couldnt pretend to be asleep and i opened my eyes, he was smiling at me and i felt those stupid butterflies again. I sat on my bed and he sat next to me. 

-i have to go to the studio right now i feel bad because i cant drive you to school 

-dont feel bad Haz- i gave him a little smile and he smiled too making his dimples to appear. 

-goodbye Em- he said giving me another kiss on the check and going out closing the door after him. 

After some seconds i heard the main door closing and i knew he was gone. 

I turned to look at my night table, there was a bouquet of flowers there and a note 

"Goodmorning Em! sorry i had to leave but i'll phone you later because i was asked to stay at my flat the rest of the week so I'm nearest to the studio, anyways i think that if youu dont have much homework and i have spare time we could hang out so i'll phone you, have a nice day! Xx- H" 

i smiled as a dumb while reading his sweet note, i'll never admit this to him but i was actually sad i wasnt going to see him properly this week, i left out a big sigh and started to make my daily routine.

*some hours later*

The final bell rang and everyone ran out i slowly picked up my things and walked out of the building, suddenly my phone rang i looked at it "1 new message" i opened it it was from Danielle "we are already here run gurl!"i chuckled but actually started to run towards my house. When i arrived both of them were talking with Anne the shut up when i came in 

-hi! - i said 

-hi Em!- dani and Ele said in unison 

-how was school hun?- Anne asked 

-fine- i lied 

-ready to go?- Ele asked 

-i'll just leave my things in my room and im coming down 

-ok - they smiled at me i ran upstairs and left my bag in my desk, thankfully i didnt had much homework for that day so i took my wallet and ran back downstairs when i enetered to the room they were all in they abruptly stopped talking making me suspicious for the second time 

-lets go! - ele said i smiled and nodded 

-have fun girls!- Anne smiled at us 

-thanks see ya later!- i waved and we left the house.

At the mall we entered to the first costumes shop we saw 

-so where do we start? - i asked  

- it depeneds what do you want to be- Ele said 

-i have not idea- i answered 

-here!- Dani shouted and we followed her

-so you dont know how harry is going? you know so you can combined- i sighed 

-nop i dont know he wont tell me, he said it has something to do with a famous cat

-Garfield!- Ele said

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