chapter 42 ... the end

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A/N: please read the next two parts even tought they are not chapters but it is important information about the sequel and a message for all my readers, hope you enjoy the last chapter, it will be full of memories , and thanks for being with me throw all this story that has become really special for me!! love you all!!



-good morning beautiful- i whispered on emilys ear 

-hey- she said yawning and smiling 

-ready for today?

-no- she said without even thinking it


-i dont want this to end, i´m scared of going back to our normal lifes- i smiled 

-it had to come soon or late

-yah i know- she smiled sadly - what are we doing today?

-well just because is the last day, i´ll tell you- she smiled- we are diving- she grinned and jumped from the bed directly to the bathroom i chuckled while slowly rubbing my eyes and preapering myself as well for our last day. 

It took her more than usually to get ready but it didnt bothered me, it wasn´t like she took 3 hours to get ready, and when she came out i couldnt beleive what my eyes were seeing, she looked absolutly perfect, never i had saw her so damn stunning. 

-wow- i managed to say - you look- i stared at her again- amazing- she blushed

-thanks- she was wearing a pink dress, her hair in a bun with a pink flower on it and some sandals, she looked extremly prety, i think i have never saw her wearing pink before...- harry?


-i asked if you are ready to leave?

-oh yeah , lets go- i tooke her hand and pulled her after me towards the beach of the hotel. Jean was already waitting for us with the equipment  to go diving, he told us the rules and what we were supoussed to do, like i have done it before i just heard half of it but emily was hearing with attention every single word, i just could stare at  her 

-man you are not even hearing me- jean frowned

-yeah yeah i did- i lied

-oh yeah? what was the last thing i said?

-"man you are not even hearing me"- i said emily bursted out laughing 

-very funny- jean said- if you die underwater i can defend myself saying i did told you the rules

-dont worry Jean i havent died and i did this before - he sighed

-so you want to be alone? or you want me to go?

-leave us alone- i snapped

-please- emily said sweetly giving me a death stare i gulped , i was just annoyed because i wanted to enjoy my last day with her 

-if you need anything just shout- he said waving at us before he left 

-ready?- i smirked to her

-think so- she smiled, she took out her dress and holy mother, the purple bikini she was wearing made her look even better, it was strapless and perfect for her body

-harry...- she whispered


-stop looking at me like that- she said blushing her arms crossed on her chest 

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