Pure Vanilla Headcanons

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Pure Vanilla Hcs!

-when its raining he'll let you borrow his hat or he'll hold his cape over you to keep you dry

-he spends most of his time just practicing his healing, so in some cases when you get hurt he gets subconsciously excited about it knowing he'll get to try some new magic! ...but then he'll realize he just got excited over you getting hurt and apolgize.

-if you ever leave him for a trip for more then a day he will cling on to you desperately.

-he sometimes enjoys sitting by a flower bed of lilies, and often you join him and he'd talk about how great of a friend White Lily was.

-When your busy at work (like doing your cookie's little like special thing like how expresso has a place to make coffee yknow?) he sometimes gets the bluebirds to send you little letters or even jellies to motivate you when it gets hard. its the simple gestures that count <3

-your favorite tv show (just pretend the shows are the same irl as in the kingdom) to watch together is WandaVison because you make jokes about how its similar to your relationship in some ways. You both also enjoy the older aesthetic-type shows that were made recently.

-when your sick HE KNOWS. he knows by a certain look in your eye or a certain way you move or when your temperature is too high just by looking at you. you cant hide your sickness from him, but then again why would you? he would heal your right up!

-You treat Custard as if he was your son, and he enjoys having a mother figure to look up to and Pure Vanilla is just glad to not have to deal with him alone.

-You sometimes just like to stare into his eyes, they are so pretty. One colored like gold, and the other as blue as the sky <3



Hi! my first chapter! wooo! i have a good feeling about this book! give me some requests


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