-*Arachnophobia*- imagine

737 15 16

Affogato + (or) x reader

(it's up to you if it's platonic :D)



I blinked my eyes open slowly, adjusting to the lighting.

I suddenly felt someone grab me by the shoulders and shake me back and fourth.

"HELP - ME. THERES - A - SPIDERRR" Every time I was shaken, the cookie would say a word.

I sighed, accepting the fact I wasn't going back to sleep. Opening my eyes, I'm greeted with my roommate, Affogato, who was basically sweating. His eyes were completely open and in shock as if he just saw a ghost.

"Affagato..pleAse-" my voice cracked

"Oh sorry!" He stopped shaking me and let me go.

"I was in the middle of a DREAM." I said, rubbing my head. I felt very nauseated.

"there's a spider in my room!" He squealed and pointed to said room.

"Oh my god please chill out." I got up from bed and walked to his room while he was basically hiding behind me.

" I got up from bed and walked to his room while he was basically hiding behind me

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"And said spider is...where?"

He pointed to a tiny spider sitting in the very top corner of the room. It was about a centimeter.

"I thought it was gonna at LEAST be an INCH." I sighed in annoyance. (Pls i can see the comments. DONT TAKE THIS OUT OF CONEXT OR I SWEAR TO GOD)

"But it's still a spider! With 8 legs! It has no right to have that many."

I got up on a stool and put it on a paper before trapping it with a cup.

"What? Your gonna let that thing live?!" He argued as I walked to the front door.

"It did nothing to you."

"It existed! And that was enough to insult me!"

"Then you really are sensitive."

"What?! Hey!" He gave me a offended look which I couldn't help but laugh at.

I opened the front door and placed the paper on the grass before lifting up the cup and letting the very tiny spider crawl away.

"It'll probably die outside anyway." I shrugged and returned into the house.

"What if it comes back in?!"

I gave Affogato a look that meant 'If you don't shut the fuck up I will make you'

He quickly recoiled and walked away to his room.

I made my way to my room, jumping onto the bed and crawling under the covers followed with a deep and satisfied sigh.

"Dream land here I com-"



I honestly don't know what tf this is

An interaction I had with my best friend earlier when I was at her house.
I'm the a one with the Arachnophobia.

I fucking hate and resent spiders and their existence.

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