(Yandere) Espresso and Madeline Hcs!

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*starts casually crying out of joy*

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*starts casually crying out of joy*


*Possible tw?*

-serious obsessiveness??


-disturbing yandere behavior..ofc

here we go

Beware! i am not the best at writing yandere stuff!!!!

I also just wanna say that I do not condone or behave like this in any way whatsoever, as it is just headcanons!!

requested by: azleryna


Love so pure, it's considered violent.

-yeah. Espresso stalks you. don't act surprised. Madeleine just openly watches you and isn't sneaky. he won't give a single fuck if you see him. hed just stares.

-whenever you talk to either of them, they seem slightly nervous. You always wondered why, as they are just your friends. (ouch)

-They once saw you blushing very slightly around your friend, and the next day they disappeared. A few days later, they randomly appeared and refused to talk to you. You wondered what that was about.

You were just sad they were ignoring you....

You didn't pay much attention to your surroundings, and you didn't know the fact two cookies were watching from afar...

-whenever talking to them and you mention another cookie, their face turns blank. Almost a type of jealousy?

-They both have a rivalry, and you never thought of it to be extreme until you witnessed them get into an almost physical fight.

-they get so clingy to the point its annoying. Espresso will get upset at you even glancing at another cookie. You cant even walk 2 feet away without Madliene following very close behind.

-they love it when you do the simplest things, like holding their hand or smiling at them, but to them its never enough. One you stop, they get upset. (jeez that sounds like genuinely irritating)

-you've noticed how unhealthy Espressos sleeping habits were, and so one night you went to his cookie house to check on him, and he wasn't there. To your horror, all over the walls, there were tons and tons of photos of you from different angles and times you thought you were even alone. One even of you sleeping...Meaning he was outside your window when he took that picture.

at first, you thought he was solving some sort of case and you were a culprit, but there was no justification or excuse for a photo while you SLEPT. plus he doesn't care about justice when it comes to criminals.

-you never thought Madliene would be one to get arrested, but sure enough, he called you at like 9pm saying he needed bail. You ran to the prison and saw him locked up in a tiny cell. You asked Almond what he could possibly do wrong. He was found in possession of bloody (or maybe cookie crumbs? idk if cookies bleed) weapons and torture devices. You couldn't believe what you were hearing.



honestly, I cant tell if that was a headcanon...

might make a oneshot using some of these so maybe be prepared for that!

ily <3

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