Clover Cookie Headcanons

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requested by my dear friend Anna again!

clover is so pretty <3


-Whenever he doesn't have a song to play for you, he tries to teach you one. you wouldn't be very good at it but you tried.

-sometimes while you're sleeping he plays light music to summon a handful of animals to wake you up with. Like deer and bunnies and bluebirds. 

-He sometimes catches all the children of the kingdom's attention, and they gather around to listen to his songs as Mint Choco cookie plays as well. and when he does do that you like to use little puppets that go with the song. For instance, you'd have a dragon puppet and cookie knight puppet when'd they'd both describe the battles of long ago.

-sometimes when he isn't carrying or using his little instrument, you steal it from him and run over to the branch and play it in hopes of it summoning animals. You soon learned you needed to be skilled to play it well enough. 

-he really enjoys watching musicals with you, like la la land and my fair lady, all sorts of fun stuff because he falls in love with all forms of music. 

-sometimes when getting back from an adventure, he'd make a small song about it to tell you. On his way back from the balloon expedition, world adventure, etc.. he'd make lyrics and chords and stuff and write it down mentally. 

-you actually are the one who makes his eyelashes look so good. before you started doing them, they looked messy, but every morning when you wake up, you do his mascara. he just finds it nice your so close to him.

-like pure vanilla, he'd get little animals like raccoons and what not to send you romantic cursive love letters. He's a very good writer (cant relate) and writes beautiful letters. Like:


Though we aren't far I feel my heart growing as cold as winter when I am without you. 

You are the sun to my snow. You make the bad melt away. "


"if only you could hear the songs i have flowing through my mind, you'd know how many of them are about my love for you. "


"I love you more than i could possibly love any song I write. I love you more than the simple sounds of birds tweeting. I love you more than the simple sounds of wind blowing through a tree. I love you more than the simple sounds of a perfect symphony. "

(these are really bad examples lol)

and any time he'd finish a song, his sigh off would be "-CC". Subtle enough for only you to know who it was in case somebody else got the note. 

-Kimhio cookie is your right-hand woman. She morphs into a fox to hide subtly behind a bush to see/hear what Clover is doing if you're worried about him. 

-he enjoys the history and past of cookies from long ago. Not because he likes history, but because he wants to make songs to educate the little ones. 



Hey! another one down. i feel like with the headcanons I'm repeating a bit of stuff soo, give me requests!!! D:<

ily <3

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