-the moon- imagine (+image)

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human!white lily cookie x human!reader


Both of us laid on our backs. White Lily hummed a tune as the two of us stare at the sky. The melody she hummed was soft and beautiful. I looked over to my dearest friend, who had a nearly distraught look on her face.

"Whats wrong?" I asked her softly. She paused her tune and looked over to me.

"Hm? Me? Oh.." she started. "I guess I'm just a bit worried about the future.."

"What do you mean?"

"What will I do if I lose you?" she said, her voice soft as usual, but a hint of worry toned her words. 

I thought for a moment before looking up to the stars. I pointed up to the moon, its light illuminating the sky even in dayight.

"See that? The moon? Whenever the moon is visible, ill be here with you." I said. 

"But the moon is here every night?"

"Exactly." I shifted my position so that I was facing her, a warm smile on my face.

There was a comfortable silence until she spoke up again.

"what if the moon disappears one day?"

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I grabbed her hand and held it up next to the moon.

"the moon is important to the earth just as you are to me."



GASP! a 3rd chapter? three in two days?!

first little imagine thing and first human oneshot! I wasn't sure where I was going with it but I thought that image was so cute. I love white lily cookie sm and I needed to get something out for her character so it kinda just worked out.

idk if I like it necessarily but its something.

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